Genetics Madison September 17, 1958 Tot Dean Alway Dear Bobs Our vieit was both necessary and reasonably successful, especially as regards laboratory planning problems. There are some ream] headaches, but we should find the means to solve them, Cur visit was also pleasant, thanks in food part to your vicarious hospitality. Godapecd on your staff decisions! I heave better reason than ever to think that Barton Childs would be inducible, If Gellus proves too diffident, I wouldn't altogether exclude Childe as a candidate for the chair, On the whole, I think the smmmkamk neatest arrancenent for him would be a non-executive professorship in the department. JI am relying on your own once expressed interest and confidence in Childe to motivate a well-timed broaching of the question te Gelluss at least I hope I haven't projected my own enthusiasm too far in this direction, All 7 have heard about the Pediatrics situa- tion is quite reassuring about the tempercateness of the committee's decision, and I hope you will understand my own initial diffidence as inexperience, I may be quoting tales told too soon out of school, but Milt Johnson hinted quite discreetly thet you might be looking for a suitable temporary and not too expensive use of space that Obstetrics may not be able to use to full advantare on the third floor. JI hasten to suggest that Genetics is rlad to stand in line for the chance to offer its quhlifications; part of the area should do very well, at minimum costs, for the non=laboratory type of activity contemplated for arpoint-— ments II and III in Genetics-- e.¢, computing space; blood tyring; animal room fruitfly-lab (which is hardly a lab et all).... Por the moment, anyhow, Crow is decided on staying here at Madison, but I think the odds are even he might change his ménd in six or eight months. 8ut we are thinkins seriously of other alternatives, Mitchison wants about the same time to think it over. But ditto, It goes without saving our whole setup will be more attractive if we can im rove coneclidation of our quarters, say along the lines of the previous pararraph, I know you have other considerations to sort out: that's way I'm stating theee explicitly, I hope the door isn't altogether shut arainst the vossibility of oug moving to Stanford in February (with same arranrements as now pending in re Pavia). This will depend partlyfi on whether there might still be somo temporary space for us in Bio= physics, which is one reason we hope Henry Kaplan does visit ua here on the 30th, Some while ago you indicated we could have it either way as far as your office was concerned! it would be reassuring to know that this remained so, There are difficul- ties either way, and we are re-evaluating which is better. The enclosed represents Esther's raincheck in lieu of last May. Ske saved some cash for Stanford by coming ‘family plan’ on my site visit trip to Berkeley-= you ean see we are learning the lurks of a private institution, Our visit did not lessen our sense of antictipation:-= we car 't vait. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberr