OFFICE MEMORANDUM e@ STANFORD UNIVERSITY © OFFICE MEMORANDUM e STANFORD UNIVERSITY @ OFFICE MEMORANDUM To From SusJect: Date; 4/8/71 Robert G. Lindee Joshua Lederberg Genetics Department (exclusive of ACME, Neurobiology and Bio-Engineering) A. B. c. Capital Facilities Major needs are in laboratory space, About 3000 fr2 (net) are needed to relieve existing pressures and to permit one new billet in a department that has been quite static for some time, Some area of somatic cell (tissue culture) genetics to fill the gap left by Prof. Bodmer's departure is the probable focus of interest. This might be funded in part as an offshoot of proposed Can_er Center. Or other arrangements with Biochemistry/Cell Biology. Professor Cavalli-Sforza - Population Genetics - an outstanding candidate. Human Biology (Ford Foundation endorsement) might match new funds. Source? Environmental hazards (mutagens) - also Ganesan etc, ) Socio-politico-ethical studies ("genetic engineering") ) Lederberg Computer intelligence in laboratory & diagnostic work ) Behavioral genetics (Cavalli jointly with psychiatry) Neurochemical genetics and mental retardation (Shooter) Genetic & cellular basis of immunity (connects with cancer,transplants) - Herzenberg Besides space, we need about $50,000 per annum of new private money for general departmental expense, for start of new research pending federal grant support and to cushion cutbacks in latter, , - cl WNONVYOWSW 331440 © ALISHTAINN GHOAINVIS © WNGNVYOW3W 331dd0 © ALISYTAINN GYOINVIS «© WNONVYOWIW 3Dd1dO © ALISHZAINN GYOINVIS © pee ie ee ae me ow at ae ce a ta aa ee ee ee a oe me me ee ee A major new program that I look forward to discussing with our next Dean is a school of environmental health, within the School of Medicine. This would make substantial use of existing faculty, in the present departments; but about 12- 15 new people (and corresponding space and facilities) should be sought in areas like epidemiology, nutrition, environmental toxicology, and perhaps economics. So we are talking about an expense of some 1.5 to 2 M per year. Until this is an ‘'approved' program, it may be pointless to discuss its funding. It should be quite attractive to industrial (and related foundational) donors. Prof. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics School of Medicine APR 8 1971 Stanford University Staniord, California 94306