STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE STANFORD MEDICAL CENTER PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA 94304 DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS Area Code 415 321-1200 ! {pre Sept. 14, 1972 Dear Jime While pulling material relating to the attached note I realized how difficult it is to reconstruct past events when the documents rapidly disappear. This is already happening to the history of bacterial gene- tics, and leaves the door open to unsppported fantasies like Wyatt's. Could you help pull together whatever material may still be extant in Madison? I have in mind, for example, files that may relate to my own recruitment in 1947 --certainly comments about me by outside referees, and letters justifying a position in bacterial genetics would help document the perceptions of contemporary geneticists about the then new findings in a revealing way. If you can find any such material (perhaps by also consul- ting Bob Irwin and RA Brink) I would of course be the most interested to see copies myself (with any deletions you may feel necessary to protect whatever confidences are still relweant 25 years later); but in any event the main point is to be sure they are fireserved, and with some record of their location. If you have any documents or recollections of your own about geneticists’ perceptions of Avery in 1944-45, I would be most interested to have them too. Columbia may have been too close to Rockefeller for my own experience to be a fair sample. (By the time of the '46 symposium, of course, there can be little doubt how far the word had spread.) My own correspondence and other writings, since 1948 are in fairly good shape, but earlier material is quite scarce. Many thanks, LT, J. P. KENNEDY, JR. LABORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE, DEDICATED TO RESEARCH IN MENTAL RETARDATION MOLECULAR BIOLOGY ° , HEREDITY NEUROBIOLOGY DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE