LA bit fies Gay 36F MEMORANDUM OF CONFERENCE WITH DEAN JOHN BOWERS AND PROFESSOR LEDERBERG January 23, 1958 res Proposed appointment of Dr, Kimball C. Atwood meme Discussed the possibility of appointing Dr. Kimball C. Atwood as Associate Professor of Medical Genetics. Lederberg called attention to the fact that genetics is of great importance in the medical field, and that The University of Wisconsin now has an opportunity to "corner" the market. In other werds, he feels that with Lederberg-HNewton Morton- and Kimball Atwood, we would have an cutstanding team, and cculd lead the way in this important field. Many of the institutions, he said, do not have any genetics -- and its importance is just now being ‘realized, He thinks it would be highly desirable for Yfiscorsin to step out and show the world what could be done in this field, Mr. Fred called attention to the fact that at the end of the period of the research grant (which would pay the full salary of Dr. Atwood), it would be necessary for the University to take over the entire support of Dr. Atwood —- and that he doubted that funds were sufficient to do so. This would mean an aidition of at least $11,000 to $12,000 (perhaps more) each year. ‘The present salary of Dr. Atwood is $9,000 (academic basis) at the rank of Associate Professor, Dean Bowers is anxious to go ahead with this appointment. He feels that at the end of the period of support from the research grent he could find funds in some other department in order to duild up the work in genetics. Mr. Fred said he could not make a definite decision at this tine, but hopes to have an answer to this request soon. He stated that, in his opinion, there are not funds sufficient to justify taking on another permanent appointment in the Medical School, Mr. Fred raised the question whether it would be possible to find some younger individual to carry on this work. Dr. Lederberg stated that if a younger man were sélected it would take such a long training period that it would seriously delay this highly important and new research field in medicine. In other words, Dr. Lederberg is most anxious that this request be granted -- and he is sure that this "team" will be able to accomplish remarkable results.