December 6, 1955 Dean John Z. Bowers College of Medicine Bear John: Kim (Dr. Atwood) had asked me to send him a copy of the "Genetics and the Medical school", which I had left with you before. But on re- reading it, it seemed to be a rather weak expression of my own views probably as it was cosposed for another context. At Wisconsin, it hardly seems necessary to insist on the desirability of a genetics program. I therefore thought I would make some more exnlicit comments to send to Kim and yourself. From the tenor of our conversation, I susnect that we are really in remarkable agreement about the principles— as I may have told you, Dr. Morton who was preparing for a specialization in human statistical genetics has adopted a rather similar conclusion and is planning to spend his second fellowship year in microbial, rather than mathenatival, genetic studies as a prelude to a career in medical genetics, I am enclosing a brief mammrandum to embody what are, needless to siy, my own personal views. I assume that Kim will be in furtler correspondence with yous; you can make whatever use of these memos that you care to betweeh yourselves. I am also enclosing some additional copies of the syllabus pro posal fcr the short ccurse. Yours sincerely, Joshw Lederberg Professor of Genetics CC: KCA Medical Genetics Memorandum to Dean Bowers From: Prof. Lederberg December 6, 1955 1. Functions: in likely order of importance A. B. B. Collaboration and consultation with colleagues. Instruction of medical and graduate students. Research program. 2. qualifications for leadership in medical genetics 3. Comment A. * Most important: solid training in genetics, with broad perspective on its special fields: clinical, stat&stical, physiological; microbial.... (This is by far the most important qualification, and already goes a long way to limit the fiaad.) Sufficient medical interest and background to be able to communicate affectively with the staff-- in fact to inculcate an interest and appre- ciation of the neglected dpportunities for geretic tnsight in a variety of mdicai problems. Needless to say, this qualification also carries certain personality requirements, and is also connected with Ability to teach (communicate with) medical students in the same terms, and Ability to attract the interest of geneticists in other departments for collaboratdve assistance in his functions. Interest and qualifdcations for a research program in an area consistent with the aims of the medical school. For leadership in what amounts to a new activity (whether as a separate departaent or not), adminigstrative commonsense and perspective on the bearing of his own program én the general educational and research development of the college and the university. This would require both tact and vigor in catalyzing the growth of this activity. on special qualifications. Medical genetics has been considered synonymous with human genetics. However, medicine is concerned with microbial para- sites as well as their human hosts. More important, despite the particular virtues of human populations, they are not amenable to controlled experi- ment, and much important basic knowledge has to be extracted from studies with smaller mammals, bacteria, and even traditional materials such as Drosophila and maize. It is also a question whether human genetics repre- sents a career discipline in itself-- in,praétise, the daily activities of a "human geneticist" are likely to consist of statistical analysis of data collectei by others, or of intensive work in internal medicine, radio- logy, dermatology etc., or Hf biochemistry, serclogy or the like. While it would be valuable to find someone, af available, who was both a clinician | and a fully competent geneticist, such persons are vanishingly rare, and furthermore too close a speci@ization on humn genetics would probably lead to a neglect of other aspects of medical importance. On this argument, it is less important to ask whether a candidate was an anatomist or a microbiologist than to insist that he have the broadest possible perspective of genetics as a whole. Specialists in the subdisciplines of geneticists should be considered for later growth of the division. 4. Organization. This is the aspect with which I am least ac ye inted (and for the present purposes, the least concerned. However, it is an in- portant element in {ing discussions pending with another medical school. I do not think Kim has given mch consideration to this either, ani I don't know his views, which he will doubtless expound.) Three alternatives present themselves: There are many pros and cons. /A. No organizational changes; informal collaboration with other colleges. /B. Subdiviefon in an existing department (Medicine? ‘ecrobiology’ Cneology?) /C. Formation of a new "department" or comparable unit. A. The chief disadvantage is that genetics will not he able to make so ade: juste an impression without someone in residence at the madical school. There will be simple physical obstacles in the way of research collaboration and supervision of students. When routinized, this kind of arrangement is bound to lead to depreciation of interest. [Speaking for myself, I would be hanpy to help in this fashion, but on a short term basis ;. B&C. share the advantage of resident work and teaching in gemtics, ind the op- portunity of appointing a professor uniquely qualified for the job. 5B might be easier to sell to the existing faculty, and would relieve the appointee of the administrative burdens of chairmanship. The chief danger is again that tying the tail to a large dog may narrow the interest in and immediate development of the activity. However, the plan B would be acceptable in a department whose leading professors ani current chairman were esvecially interested themselves in the growth of medical genetics; otherwise, it might wither on the vine. The advantages of G are the greater Likalihood of attracting the best candidates, in view of the encouragement fo autonomous growth, and probably more effective meansxof cooperating with geneticists outside the medical school (e.g., as an illus- trative possibility, I could wisualize myself as a joint tenant in a department of Medical Genetics more readily than in the department of Medicine}. On the other hand, © would impose the burdens of chairing duties (how strenucus would they be in a None-man-department"?) and perhaps add to the cumbersomeness of college administration, Administrative ingenuity should be equal to the task posed here, but there mist he issues I have not touched upon. P.S. It was hard for me t#o write Section 2 above without having Kim specifically in mind-- I wish I could think of any one who could fill the bills so well, as that would help to sharpen my critique, but I just don't know where you'll find him. Unfortunately, most of the people who have been attracted té human genetics have become such nabrow spec#lists that it's hard to talk to them in any other context, which would be dangerous here. Jim Neel who has been doing a wonderful job at building up baman genetics at Michigan illustrates the point— he has practically no interest (or familiarity) in, say, mlerobial genetics or radio-~ biology, and he is doubtless the tops of his own species.