RS fale. ove Errol f 7 Fd 7 7 THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN MADISON 6 DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY BIRGE HALL February 13; 1957 President E. B. Fred Bascom Hall Dear President Fred: It has come to our attention that Professor J. Lederberg has received a favorable offer from another university and that there exists the possibility that he may leave Wisconsin. The members of the Zoology Department would like to take this oppor= tunity to express their concern over the possible loss of this outstanding biologist to our campus. His-.scientific accomplishments, which have made him an internationally recognized leader in his field, are too well known to be repeated here. What is perhaps less readily apparent is the value of personal contact by col- leagues and students with a man of his wide knowledge, his keen and critical mind and the wealth and originality of his ideas. He and the many outstanding scholars from all over the world who have come to work in his laboratory have acted as catalysts, stimulating the teaching and research in many areas of biology on the campus. A scholar of his caliber can rarely be replaced and his loss would be felt not only by the present academic community but by many future students. Lederberg possesses the rare ability to meet many of the specialized disciplines of biology on their own ground and to direct their thinking toward general biological principles. We would like to urge that every effort be made to induce Dr. Lederberg to stay at Wisconsin. Sincerely yours, Os Maslin Arthur D. Hasler Chairman ADH : MP