Yale University, August 25, 1947. Dear Dr. Brink, Having slept on the matter, and come to a conclusion while we were still in Madison, it seems best to write to you now, rather than telegraph later. I have decided, of course, to accept the offer by the Department of Genetics of the post of assistant professor, for research on microorganisms, notwithstanding the unavoidable delays in setting up a suitable laboratory. An item of equipment which I forgot to mention as an early requirement is a third incubator, capacity 1/3-1/4 of the other two, which can be adjusted in the range 40-50 degrees (plus or minus 1.5 degrees). Dimensions about 12 h.x18w.x18d." or that order would be fine. Subject to further communication, we hope to return about the 15-20 September. Our many thanks for your friendly hospitality, Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg. Further correspondence may be addressed to [letter cut off].B.L., Woods Hole, Mass. through Sept. 5.