YALE UNIVERSITY OSBORN BOTANICAL LABORATORY NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT - July 21, 1947 Professor.R. A. Brink Department of Gemtics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin ~ Dear Dr. Brink: Since Dr. Tatum first mentioned the position in the genetics of microorganisms which your department is establishing, the possibilities of the program which you outlined in your letters have seemed especially intriguing. This applies particularly to the opportunities for inter-departmental collaboration which you seemed to emphasize. I am, therefore, very happy to express my interest in the position you mentioned. I shall be glad to visit the University on the 20th of August as you recommend and will write in more detail shortly before arrival, May I remark that as time passes I am placed in an increas-~ ingly embarrassing position in relation to my alternative plans for recommencing medical studies, Anything that could be done to expedite matters would be most sincerely appreciated, particularly with a view to a decision not later than the 8th of September, the registration date, and if possible, of course, somewhat sooner, As of the lst of August, my mailing address will be the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Yours sincerely, f of Melee, “die oa - Joshua Lederberg