QOEX THE NEW YORK HOSPITAL-CORNELL MEDICAL CENTER 525 East 68th Street New York 21, N. Y. July 14, 1947 Dear Doctor Baldwin: I was very gled to get your letter of July 9 giving me congratulations and good wishes on my new appointment here. I feel extraordinarily fortunate in having been given a great opportunity in a great institution, and I hope I can live up to it. Your kind. letter has added te the pleasures of the start. As you know, Mr. Josua Lederberg has had a fellowship from the Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund, and as Director of the Board of Scientific Advisors of the Fund my contact with him was through conferences. He is an unusually brilliant investigator, and extrardinarily able. I had heard that he was aggressive, and saw some evidence of that trait. This seemcd natural to me in a man who is so able. He can work in @ group, and should be "manageable," but he will do best, I believe, on original work of his own, which could be a fairly clear part of a general program of research in a de- partment. Our Fund is ready to give him a renewal of his fellowship in case he decides to go on with medical studies at P& ยง at Columbia. With dest wishes, Sincerely yours, (Signed) 5S. Bayne-Jones 8. Bayne-Jones