THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Madison 6 OFFICE OF DEAN and DIRECTOR July 9, 1947 Dr. Stanhope Bayne—Jones President, Joint Administrative Board New York Hospital Cornell Medical Center Hew York, New York Dear Dr. Bayne-Jones:; : Knowing nothing of the duties, responsibility, or prerequisites J of either your present position or the one you left, I find it difficult to know whether you might expect to receive congratulations, I am confident, however, that the change was made because you felt that the new place would offer you wider opportunities and in that line I want to offer my congratulations, I am wondering if you could take time to give me a frank statement regarding Mr. Joshua Lederberg. We have a place here for a man in our genetics department who is interested in the genetics of microorganisms. The information that we get on ALA Mr. Lederberg indicates that his intellect, his training, and Fay trates 4 his research abilities are excellent. One or two letters cast A Aye some doubt on his ability to work in a group. I understand that oe you know him well and I would appreciate your frank statement as “N to his personality and character, and his ability to work in a tet be team. Le & Amp - tek Mey Lb With best personal wishes, I am whAL ek +a Yours very truly, ILB:M I. L, Baldwin Dean and Director