June 25, 1947 ALIMALL Dr. x. Le Patun Osborn Botanical Laboratory Tale University New Haven, Oonmectiut Dear Dr. Tatum Lederberg's types¢ript on "Problems in the genetics of micro- organisns® is in Perry Wilson's hands at present. I have been unable to reach him on the telephone this afternoon but expect that I will de adle to get the paper tomorrew for return te you. There is a rapid- ly groving interest on the campus in the genstics of microorganisms, ani ae our ploms have develoved for securing a man in this field I hsve tried to keep some of my colleasfues in Bactertology in touch with then. This explains why Wilson has the mamscript. I hope that our having retained the paper this long has not unduly inconvenienced Lederberg. Inquiries concerning Lederberg have been directed to some of the people named as references in your recent letter. The returns on these inguiries are still incomplete. When J discussed the possibility of approaching Lederberg concerning our position with Dean Baldvin about 10 days ago he was definitely interested and urged that we get auch further information about him as could be gonveniently obtained at once. It is our hope that Lederberg is not under the necessity of formulating his plans for the eoming year right away. If the further information concerning him is favorable, we would like to arrange for him to visit the campus to meet the interested people here and to give them a chance to visit with him. 8o far thinze look favorable but I do not wish to write Lederberg directly util it appears that there is a reasonable likelihood that an offer might ensue. There are two other reasons why we have Been somewhat delayed in moving ahead in this matter. The legislature, vhich is now in session, has not yet completed its action on the University budget. The outlook for a substantially increased appropriation appears to be good, bub we may not know for perhaps two weeks what the figures will be and what funds will be available for remodeling and for new equipment. The latter are of direct significance in connection with the appointment of @ man on the genetics of microorganisms. I is necessary that a laboratory be constructed for the new appointee in this Building and that practically the entire line of equipment needed be purchased. It is expected that the necessary funds will de allocated, but 1t will take some months to put a labdcratory inte operating condition. fhere will be some delay, therefore, in getting « program tmder way here even if we should decide on an appointment nov. X would appreciate it 4£ you would explain to Lederberg why he has not yet heard from us directly. Sincerely yours, E. A. Brink Professor of Genetics RAB/s P.8. Perry Wilson is returning the tyzescrint to me today (June 26). I will forward 1% et once. R.A-B.