ry Bley 1547 Sens in long hand on ws YE og, ely we dag Noctua inlo Uaiversity New Haven, Connecttout Dear Dr, Ta tune Ledorborg's work 4s irprossive and ve are interested in furthor informa tion aut his background, personality and interosts. Is he prepared to con= sider the ind of opportunity we have to offer and would he adaot hinself well to the jod? - Our first consideration 1s to got on ablo young research mn interested in fundanontal gonoetical problems. I 4s desirod that he worl vith nicroorsoniens, usine the tools of biochsnistry and biophysics. This will bo a now field of effort in gonotica nt Wisconsin, oo that thor. is an opportunity for a man with inogination and initintive to build a rescarch progran in accordance with his om idean.e Prelininary plens have been made for a siutably equipred laboratory and tha Adninistration 1s prepared to plece orders Juy il. Currout information is that 1¢ will require about a yonr to @éot delivory of the necessary furniture end nnparatus, Until the new laboratory 1s ready any conetical work with nicro= organisms could be done only with considerable inconvenience. A second considoration which is imortant at Wisconsin is that the nan be able to vork with other dosartnonts interested in allica problens. ‘There ara novoral such departments hore, es you know, incluling Plant Patholocy, Arricule tural and Nodlical Bactoriolory,, Slochcnistry and Votorlnary Science. Ono may visurlize tho now man as building up a coro prozron of research of his ow choosing in Genotics. Sooncr or lator it is inovitablo, hovever, that he will bo called unon also to particinate in prograis centered outside thig departnont. fone of these cooperative relationcshins ney fit in woll with tho core prosran: others probably will not. Willingness of the goneticias to do a fair anount of toam work outside his immediate Group end divorging from his contral intorasta, thoreforo, is required. , -You ore faniliar with the fact that tho Dopartmont of Gonotics at Wisconsin is a part of tho College of Arriculture.. As such it is engaged in rmch work roe lating nore or less directly to tho farming industry. Tho abovo montionsd do~- portroents having on interest in this eppointnont are in the sano position. Fore tunately, our Colloso Administration is’ thorowshly sympathetic ‘with basic rescarch and has a fine record in suport for 1t. But it nus, 2% all times soe to 1t that & otrons position is maintained in that part of its progam vhich serves the far mor nore diroctly. The wolforo of the tuo lines of work, in a sonse, aro rolnted,. What I mecn to soy is that tho opportunity for research in plont Genetics, for oximle, 4s enhanced in the long run if tho Lerming public fools that it 4s being well sorved at the sane time by tho plant brecdor and tho crop technolorist. And #9 with othor fields in the Collore. One whose primary interest is in rescarch in nono praass of biolorsy underlying arriculture should heve an undorstanding of the work of his nore farn=ninded collesrues ond be willing to ald thom as cir= cunstances dictate. Tho desired relationship is not dissimilar to that botyveon the regearchor and the clinician in a medical school. ‘there are several first-rate pre Sealy BY, 1ON7 HM. iL. Tatua reeeoreh tien on our Collece ateff who have antebliched weary sotinfectory vorkce ine rstatinnshipa in this reencet. tia our hope thet ve enn pot another one for tha resttilon in question. Fir’ ois Go rointed ont thet there are nimirous inter~collero coororntive tetertstece tn reser reh at VWireonsin. Bloeheiatry, for examole, hea somo with the Coser Loborntery ond othor diviriona of the Hrdieanl School. Tho Graduate Peak ante Ciseesly aarans Collere linen onl WARP. funds cre placed when rencsrch in boing dono repardlosa of Administrative bound-ries, Shove ray be a endl sooner or Léter for a formyl course in the cenetics of nmieroaurenions. % would be expected thnb tho now mom would hendle this. Tor the presen, hovever, tecchine rorrponstibilities wuld probably bo linited to the two ndzvanoed genetics coursean under Dr, Irvin's direction, which are given in ale terarge yeovge rd contributed to by scvcval ef us. Zhia statonout ia subject to the quwlifiertion mentioacd in my lotter of Moz 253 namoly, thet as a result of Profoncor Ouen's vecent decision to go to Col Tooh wo ore seeking a mon alco to hendle the clenentary gonotics teaching. Conceivably the latter assi-macent nicht bo lin’cd with the position in microbvlology if we found a man interested in such a condination. Sho initicl ayointucat would probably de as assistant professor, About a year aro when the natter was first discussed with Dean Boldwin a yearly salary of $3500 was surzosted., I camot csy withous further consultation whether in view of tho increnne in cost of living which has occurred since there vould be an up= werd aijustrens nowe ‘She legiclative avmrcpriation for the coming diennium has nat yet beon mado but the current outlook is Good.” Wo would like to have your fren's julgvont concerning Lederborg's probebdie antoross in the sort of opportunity I have outlined and his ability to £1 into tho Wisconsin pattern. His contacts in enplied solence to date I essune hove beoa with medicine. Could ho make hinsolf at hone in a colleso of acriculture? Whats vould bo his reaction 17 0. I. Allon in Agricultural Bactoriolozy, for or~ aiple, sought hig help in studios on tho horit-ble variation in tho Rhizobia and vhulr resnective hosta along the linos of the recent Rothomstoed worl, oz 4f Snell varias on nutrition of the bactoria in Biochonistry desired his cocperation? Ia ho a good team ran? Would he be pationt onoush to build a genotics progran with uleroerg-uisne starting from seratch? Is ho the kind of mm who could overe eong as an Individusl tho projulice aratns$ his raco, vinich he dsubtlens would cacowitor occasionally here as in ueny othor wniversitica? I velfevo that his dnacdizte collengucs id gonoties hore would do thoir full shore in Yacilitatins his offorte in these direotions. is Lederberg married? I ask this because the housing eituntion here is no better than in mos$ othor places. Gincerely yours, R. A. Brinks Professor ef Genetics