May 31, 1947 Bent in long hand Dr. BE, We Binnott . Onborn Botenical Laboratory Tale Vaivoerrcity New Haven, Connoetteut . Bear Dr. Sinnott . Ty. Cole's ratircenent has crocted a vacancy in our ctaff chich wo are seoicin« to £111 with a men who would work on the gonetics of microorgenisnsa. Dy. Grtun has snecestcd Jochun Ledsrberg as 2 possibilitye:nd hos hindly lent us monneerint metcriol which boars out the considerable promise in research witch Lederberg hes shown as & graduate student. Ye vonid esprecinte hevine your judement remrding: Lederborg's ability . to fit into the pattern of an nid-vestern eericzltural experiment station. Wo umlerstend that Lederberr's lecnings ave tevnrd medicine ond surnice that srriculture would be now to hin. Cur first considcration is to ret a first-rate resecsrch man dnterestcd in fundrmentcl rather then epplicd rensthes. It is not less dmmortrns, hovover, that the man be able to ad- just himself an reasonable desree to the hetercgcneous charactor of a large orricultural institution. Zhove just written Dr. Stun concoynine the sencral naturs of the enporgunity hove and J have inanired chouts Loderberets attitude touprd tenn worl: in vicv of the probable call for cocvoratizn with microbiolo= Gista vovlcing on allicd vrobleas in othor deacrtnonts. A furthor poins is vhothor Lederbers!s verssnnl chrracteristics ara such that he cowld avoid the projudice which rombcrs cf his vacinl group sorotimes encomtor even in a cormunity which considers itcelf rather gensrally tolercnt in such wet POV. Yau eoungcl on these questions will be moss helpful to us. Sincorely yours, R, As Brink ; Frofessor of Gonctica