YALE UNIVERSITY OSBORN BOTANICAL LABORATORY NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT May 12, 1947 a] I> / ?-/ Box 7 Professor R. A. Brink Department of Genetics The University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Brink: As you suggested in your letter, there are few men at present trained and qalified to work in the field of genetics of microorganisms. A few possibilities may be suggested, however, although you may already have considered some of then. Dr. Adrian M. Srb - Ph. D. with Dr. G. W. Beadle at Stanford University, now at Stanford, but I have heard he has been offered a position at Cornell. Dr. A. H. Doermann ~ Ph. D. at Stanford University. Has been with Dr. Max Delbruck at Vanderbilt University for the past two years. Mr. David Regnery - I think he gets his Ph, D. this year from the California Institute of Technology and is going back to Stanford as Instructor. These three have done their doctoral research with, Neurospora. I would suggest you contact Dr. Beadle for further information on them, I have a young man, Mr. Joshua Lederberg, with me at present who will finish his Ph. D. work this summer. T consider him perhaps the most promising young man yet trained in this field. He is now planning to go back to P, and S. this fall to finish his medical course, However, his interest is in research, and I believe his ability and brilliance will more than offset his youth (22) and race. His work with me on the genetics of E. coli has been extremely fine. Whether or not Lederberg finishes his medical work may depend in part on what other Ppportunities open up. I would suggest, if you are interested in hin, that you write me for more information and giving more details of the position, ‘ ’ I can think of only one more possibility at present. This is Dr. Albert Kelner, Ph. D. at Pennsylvania several years ago, Professor R. A. Brink May 12, 1947 Page 2 and now with Dr. M. Demerec at Cold Spring Harbor. He is well recommend- ed by Dr. A. N. Richards, but those who talked with him here recently were not too well impressed. Please give my best regards to Bob Irwin. Sincerely yours, OL Teh E. L. Tatum Professor of Microhi ology Ova