April 30, 1947 Dr. 3. Le Tatts Tal¢ University Mew Haren, Connecticut Bosy Vrs Tatum _ Professor lan Ta Cole reaches the retirement age this Junc. Ye to replace him with a youig man wie will work on. the gonc*ice of whe ptt Gam you suggest anyons vhon we night consider fe: po General Interest in the genetice of microorganisms 4s, of course, too recent to howe attracted mny stuicnts in this direction. t's Tealize that consequently there is a very narrow field from which to draw, The first consideration is that we get a man of stholarly. character whe is well tirained in at lecst one segment of the fii dy and who is interested in ralixe himsclf compotent in the ethers. The position 4s primarily in resenreh, clizonch ae the work develop. thore might be a call for sone Qlaseroos tezching. You exo fer. itas with our orranizetion at Wisesasin onc realize that we wouwlé weoc a man who could work effectiysly with cectain other desartacuts ox “ths sanpus, such ag Agriccltural Bactariclogy, Flant Patholesy and Bio. chenistry, The salary offered would be commensvrate with the man's (raining and experience, We would de interested in learning of anyone whom you would have to puggest for the position. Sincerely yours, 2 Ae Brink Frefesaor of Genetica RAB/s