eae wor - SUNMARY EEPORT: Bacterial Genetic Research Supported by the Research Committee From Funds Supplied by the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation by Joshua Lederberg For the past several years, we have been concerned with olarifying the genetic life cycle of Escherichia egoli. Until recently, most bac- terlologists believed that bacteria reproduce only by fission, and are devoid of any sexual reproductive process. This viewpoint is, in fact, embodied in the name "Fission Fungi," which is applied to the Class of pasteria, and in a once-popular definition of bacteria that dietingui shed them from other living things by their supposed absence of a) "true" nuclei, and »b) sexual reproduction. Since we can hope to achieve ef- fective control of activities of the microorganisms, whether in medi- eine, industry, or agriculture, only if we have a correct and clear understanding of their biology, it is of more than academic importance that recent evidence points to the occurrence of more or less typical nuclei in most bacterial cella, and that a sexual method of reproduction occurs in at least one bacterial species, Escherichia coli, the common *eolon bacillus. * So far, sexuality in E, coli has been studied almost entirely by purely genetic methods: in particular, it hae been possible to show that, very occasionally, genetically distinguishable variants are capable of exchanging and reshuffling their genetic differences, a process techni- cally described as gene recombination, The detailed features of the recombination process are such as almost certainly to require the oc- cagional fusion of cella, ao aa to allow their different genetic de- terminants to intermingle, prior to thelr segregation in new or ‘re-" combinations. Since recombination occurs only between one pair of cells per mil- lion under the most favorable conditions yet discovered, it is not difficult to understand why no convincing picture of the morphological basis of this process has yet been obtained. Some progress has been made, however, toward the desired unification of genetic and cytological interpretations, Under certain conditions, bacterial cells can be propagated from a stage in their life cycle just following fusion, but without Immediately undergoing segregation, Thus, these cultures consist of cells which individually carry genetic deter- minants from the two parents, as can be shown by direct single-cell {e0lation (4n collaboration with Dr. M. BR. Zelle of Cornell University). The genetic behavior of these heterozygous cultures shows signs of aberrancy not yet fully understood, but leavea no question as to their origin from the union of two parents (1.6., by a sexual process), When examined cytologically the nuclei of heterozygous cultures are clearly aifferent from the nuclei of their parents, wt this difficult mlaro- acopical analysis has not yet progressed to the point where definitive interpretations are possible, cycle Incomplete as it 4s, our new understanding of the genetic life/of thie bacterium makes possible experimental analyses which could not hitherto be carried out, One line of research, for example, involves the patterns of genetic determination of enzyme preduction, Results to date have shown thet these patterns are rather more complex than would have been anticipated, and create the opportunity of a long-term study ef the wayea in which different genetic changes may affect different aspects of the biosynthesis of bacterial enzymes. In another line of research, the effects of antiseptic agents on heterozygous bacteria are being studied. This technique permits the conclusion that some -3- antiseptics--such as physical radiations; nitrogen mustard; formaldehyde; hydrogen peroxide; acetic anhydride, and other chemicals, --kill bacteria either by virtue of, or in close coincidence to gross genetic damuge, whereas other bactericides, such aa high temperatures, iodine, basie dyes, streptomycin, and others kill without associated genetic effects.