195°-1953 Application for reasearch support to the RFS"ARCH COMMITTYF OF THY ONIVYRSITY OF WISCONSIN submitted by Joshua Lederberg, Aasocizte Professor of Genatics January 12, 1952 TITLE AND REASCHS FOR STUDY Bacterial Genetics. One of the most importent, but least known aspects of the biology of bacteria ie their genetics. In two species s0 far well studied in thie laboratory, Escherichia coli has given accumlated evidence for a sexual cycle resewbling that of higher forms; more recently, the related Sulmonella typhimurium has exhibited a mechaniem of transfer of single or isolated genetic factore that is quite unique, though voorly understood, We can achieve adecuate control over microorganiems, whether from a technologies!, agricultural, or medical point of view only when their genetics is understood, along with their biochemistry, physiology and morphology. RESULTS OBTAINED 10 DATE AND PROCEDURE for prejeeted atudy. This preject is a continuing one, and {t will not be possible to separate future procedures from past reeulte. The accompanying progress report therefore also outlines the directions of work planned for the future. A. Formal genetics of Escherichia coli. ‘the analysis of formal genetics of Escherichia coli 1a being continued. Special emphasis is be- ing given to discrepancies between experimental data and the theory of a linear chromosome aa the basia of heredity in this bacterium (as it is in higher forms). Single cell studies on segregating diploids suggeet that some discrepancies may not be inherent in the actual genetic ratios, but in differential growth of different types. Thies work is necessarily slow, and definite conclusions will not be available until it is completed. A study of the genetic effects of radiations on diploid E. goli has been initiated. The most significant finding to date is that single cells treated with UV give progenies with a variety of effects: either the cell (probebly the nucleus as well) ia not e unit target, or the effects of radiations persist as a blolegical disturbance despite the apparent gerowth-recovery of the cell. These effects then later give rise to the variety of changes in different offspring. fhe isolation of new strains of F. golf that can be crossed with ex- isting fertile strains was a major subject thie yeer. Farlier estimates were optimistic: of about 1500 strains tested, only 30, or 2% could be crossed. These 30 strains sre being studied closely for (a) their linkage patterns, (b) the possibility of compatibility groups and (c) characters of interest for genetic study. So far as can de determined, the new strains resemble the original 2. coli K-12 in their fundamental biology and life cycle, However, many of them are culturally and serologically distinct. We are now planning studies on the genetic basia of the natural (se opposed to laboratory-created) differences between the strains. The serological differences, in particular, permit of an immunogenetic analysis . For a variety of reasons, bacteria provide excellent experimental aaterial to study the biological bases of gene-controlled aatigenic differences such as are the foundation of blood-typing in man, cattle, and other wammale. In additicn, although FE. coli is "not pathogenic," the genetic basis of eerotypes ie of intrinsic interest to the student of infections diseases. This program was initicted on RF51:430 until definitive support could be secured from the Rockefeller Foundation (effective Janusry 1, 1952). Dr. P. D. Skser has undertaken its immediate direction, and has completed preliminary experiments and preparation of sntiseral reagents. B. A pew mechanism of genetic transmission in becteria. Salmonella typhimurium (mouse-typhoid; enteric fever grovp) hes been the subject of -3- genetic study in this laboratory since 1947. During the past year, a reasonably clear picture of its behavior has developed for the first time. The Salmonella bacteria were chosen for this study because they provide good experimental material for studies on virulence, because they are readily cultured in the laborxtory and are related to the F. coli familiar te us, and because their serological characters (presumably under genic contrel) are important in pudlic health bacteriology. Mr, Norton Zinter undertook this problem in 1948, an¢@ is using the experimental date for his Ph.D. dissertation, The plan was to parallel the work with EZ, coli. Biochemical mutanta were made in a large number of straine, and attempts were made te detect croasing by plating mixed cultures cn a selective, minimel agar medium, ‘The results obtained were very confusing, as illustrated in previous reports, until it was realized that the recombination mechaniem here ie quite different from thet in F. goli. In B. Qoli, all the evidence points to » typical sexual proceas, wherein recombination results from the fusion, and later segregetion, of two intact auclel. In Salmonella, under certain eenditions, the cells Telease fragments of genetic material into the medium. These fragments may be either single "genes" or emall aggregates, but much less then sn entire nucleus. Other cells may absorb these fragments. The next steps we can only guess at, but an end result is that s "racombinsnt" cell is sometimes formed in which the absorbed fregment beeemes a part of the genetic mechanism of ite new host cell. To diatingeuieh this process from fertilisation, which 42 the union of two essentially equil genctyres, ve have designated it as genetic transduction. franeduction le an infeetious process, if regarded in a certain light, and one may ask whether it does not merely depend on the tranemission of a virus "diaesse" from one cell to another, However, a great many characters have been examined, and avery one of them is treneducible in the same Way. These include many 4ifferent nutritional Feouirements, fermentation dif- ferences, reeistznca to streptomycin, and type-diagnoatic antigens, the same groupe of markers thet sre inherited as if cerried on a chr onc some in EB. cold. the converse possibility, that Senic traneduction may throy light on the origin of viruses, should be given close consideretion. From the point of view of adartive plasticity, trensduction is not ao efficient as fertilization, In this experiments, only a single fuector is trensducible te s enll et one time, so thet "eroseea" of celle Ciffering in many factore result in only a small frection of 223 the poenible gene combinetions, The narsantt ties vee subjected to very clone serological stu¢y, acd 2 very lerge number of antigenic tyres or "species" are recognised in the disgnoetic scheme. Theee types reoresent different combinetions of somstic antigens (designated by roman numsrale) and flagellar antigens (arabic numerals and lover case letters), Por example, S. typhimurium is designated se IV, V XII; i; 1, 2, 3, while 8. Syphi is given as Ix, XII; 4--. Bacteriologists have often apesulsted on the evolution of the Salzonelia groun, and the origin of the different antigenic combinations, Wat owing to the lack of convincing precedents, recombination was not im- plicated. By transduction, however, a hybrid of $. typhi x typhimorina has been obteined, with the antigenic formula IX, XII; 4--. this hybrid hae not vreviously been described ag a Salmonella type. If £t had been isclated (and it might well be antictoated to occur in e patient suffering from a double infection) from @ earrter or patient, 1¢ would certainly have been recognised aa a new species. On thia precedent, we may predict that Salmonella types have arisen, and will ariga efein, from tha recom- bination of factors of previcnely aatablished forna. Transduction ia so different from the hereditery patterns familiar to geneticists that 1% im difficult te reconcile it with the oytological -~ 5- observations that suggest the presence of similar nuclear structuras in EZ. gold and in Salmonella. We will have to learn a great deal more about genetic transduction before we can evaluate its eignificence for our con- cepts of the nature of the gene and its relationship to the cell. C. Replica plating and indirect selection. A method has been developed which should be useful in any of a variety of microbiological screening programs, in which a large number of cultures must be tected in a veriety of media, This method, replica plating, has already become indispensable in this laboratory for the isolation of nutritional mutants, and testing genetic segregates, In principle, replica-plating is a simple printing precess. A sheet of velveteen is fastened te a woeden support. An agar plate carrying the colonies to be sersened is then pressed down, trans- ferring on imprint ef each colony on the velveteen. Plates of various agar media can then be pressed on the same velvet, and each of them will be imprinted with a replica of the original growth, The advantage of the method is, of course, that upwards of 200 colonies on a plate oan be trans- ferred in one operation to a series of other plates with accurate registration of position. A less routine application of replica plating has been made to the problem of the origin of drug-resistant mutants. Despite considerable evidence in favor of spontaneous mutations followed by biological selection, the question has continued to be mooted whether an antibiotic might not actually induce variations to resistance to 1% on the part of previously sensitive bacteria. So long as resistant mutants could not generally be detected or isolated without applying the antidlotic or rather unusual environmental conditions, only rather indirect and abstruse evidence could be brought to bear. It is now possible to isolate resistant mautents by indirect selection in which the cells are not exposed to the antibiotic, In principle, spontaneous mutations to resistance to, e.g. streptomycin are loeated in s film of growth on plain agar by meane of replicas to streptomycin agar, Since such mutations do appear to be inherited, they occur in clones, members of which remain on the plain agar plate after their aibe have been removed via velvet to the selective agar, By using the presumed sitee of realetant clones for fresh inocula again to plain eger, 2 relative concentration of about 100-feld can be achieved for the resistant mutants, Appropriate repititions of the process (four or five tines) eventually result in the separation of the mutant clones in well-isolated colonies from whieh pure cultures can be made. The enrichment line itself has never been exposed to the antiblotia; the sibs are used to locate the resistent mutants. Ina sense, indirect selection parallels the use of pedigree data to select roosters or bulls for breeding stock fer egg or milk production. The successful application of this method should remove any doubt that mutations to drug-resistance occur in a bacterial culture quite independently ef the presence of the drug itself. D. Genetic studies on actinomycetes. ‘here are both cractical and theoretical reasons for commaring the genetics of actinomycetes with that of the simpler bacteria. On the one hand, one might expact to find nuclear proceases in a form more readily analyzable, and more closely resembling the filamentous fungi; on the other, the actinomycetes are now among the most important technical microorganiems. A study has been initiated in Streptomyces grisedus, and related forms, A number of biochemical mutants have deen prepared--these are quite similar to the mtante previously obtained with Neurospora end dbacteria--with the help of replica plating. Combinetions of different mutants on minimel agar show various affects. Many of the mutants exhibit eyntrophiem, or mtual feeding of needed metabolites, in an especi- eslly dramatic way, but this has been disadventageous in tending to obscure genetic interactions. Several combinations of mutants which show little or no eyntrophiem have given mycelia which continued to grow on minimal medium. The spores, however, give only one or the other parental culture. Although formal proof is so far lacking, there ean be little question thst we are dealing here with heterokaryons, that ie an admixture of genetically different nuclei in a common cytoplamm, It seema likely that heterokaryosis accounte for the often cited observation that mactinomycete culture may remain constant when the myceliue i# prepagated, but throw many variants when spores are plated. Finally, in a few instances, stable propotrophic cultures have been noted, and these may represent recombinants resulting from a sexual process. If sco, sexuality is rather sporadic within this one atrein of S. grigeus; it must be pointed cut that other explanations have not yet been ruled out. A group of other Streptomyces oultures (S. venesuelaec, 8. goelicolor, &. lavendulae)is being studied in a compamtive and combinatorial plan, 4, FIBANCIAL SUPPORT requested: Staff: Assistant, 12-month, lise Cahn 1,320 fl ; 10-month, To be named 1,160 " an “#8 1,100 Kourly helps 5006 4,020 PERSONNEL: Moat of the present aselstente plan to graduate (1 Ph.D., 2 4.5.) this June, and replacement candidates are under consideration. MTlise Cahn already hae ,n M.A. (Indiana) and came here last year with an undergraduate GPA 2,20 and two years additional experience, She has worked satisfactorily this past semester, and should ultimetely qualify for the Phd,