June 2, 1959 REPORT ON RESEARCH PROJECTS for the FISCAL YEAR 1958-59 I. Name Josnua Lederber: Dept. Genetics Proj. No. Title of project Ganetics of Bacceria Kitey OU. Juaa Y. Hirota II. Personnel: Ann Cook Ill. Statement of other financial support, if any, for this project: HHH 12,906 NSF 7,000 IV. Brief statement of specific progress made during the year: This project terminated January 31, 1959 with the resignation of Professor Lederberg. The work done during the fall semester consisted mainly of a consolidation and completion of earlier experiments, and no particularly important new findings came to light. Preliuinary evidence was obtained tit Loe mele suostgnce of Escherichia coli is a gaxhadax carbohydrate, and can Le inactivated ty oxidation with periodate. Crosses were started between E. coli and Salmonella typhimurium. A large number of Lac mucunis, defiaient in B-D-gelaciusicase were isulcted ang tested against one another. Most of these are distinet, ‘point mutants', some hehove like larger deficiencie and have been particularly useful in later studies of the gene enzyme relationship. V. Publications that have appeared in print from July 1, 1958 to June 30, 1959. J. Lederberg 1955 Bacterial Reproduction. Aurvey Lectures 1957-58. VI. Manuscripts accepted for publication but not yet printed: J. Lederberg 1959 Genes anc antiwodies. Ssclence o A view of genetics. ies Prix Nobel 1959 (Stockholm). The pink copy should be returned to the Graduate School Office on or before August 1, 1959. The blue copy is for your file.