m_ ee Se ee oe ee we ee eee — ee ts ee ee — ot ee oe UNIVERSITY RESEARCH COMMITTEE REQUEST FOR RESEARCH SUPPORT FOR THE YEAR 1958-59 MUST BE IN THE GRADUATE SCHOCL OFFICE NOT LATER THAN JANUARY 17, 1958 (Please submit forms in duplicate) Name LEDERBERG ° Date Last First Middle Initial f Genetics Department Madson? Title of project _ G@netics off Bacteria 1. Freliminary evidence that the flagellar antigenic phase of Results to date: geimonella can be altered by exposure of the cells to acriflavine, As there is other evidence that the 'nhase' depends on the functional state of a chromosomal factor, this is a rather exciting lead for developmental genetics, 2. No success to date in attempts to transfer renetic markers to protoplast recipients by DNA; these experiments continuing. A mumber of wall- defective mutants have been isolated. So far, these are all auxotrophic for fiaminoninelic seid; others have not yet been characterized, 43, Preliminary evidence that crossing-over is reciprocal in clones from single zygotes in E, coli. In contrast to other markers, the F agent (fhhich determines sexue]l compatibility) 1s distributed to the entire exconjurant cione in F x F" crosses, suggested that it is an extranuclear particle, 4, A variety of Hfr stocks have been isolated, and characterized as having different patterns of genetic exchange. 5. In certain complex situations, serreget_ion of prophare in Souplin with linked Gal markers has been found. Procedure - indicate the essential working plans: We propose tc continue along the same lines as used for the current program, (1) requires proof thet the alteration is an induced change of phase, rather than selective survival of cells already in one phase, (2) may need a new aprroach, rossibly the use of cells damaged, but still viable, after ultra-sonication (for the occurrence of which Dr. Rotman had some evidence). We will also try preparations made from transducing thage, as well as from intact donor bacteria, New mutant blocks will also be sourht, particularly for auxotrophs responding to nucleotide-erino acid cenjugates (in cooperation with Strominrer at Washington University). (3) we intend to apply the interrupted mating techniaue developed by Jacob (Paris) for the analysis of these Hfr'a, and to attempt to reconcile certain differences in detailed interpretation, But as already stated, no radical devartures are contemplated in advance. The work is all intra~mral laboratory work, the essential facilities for which are at hand, We are sovew-at hampered, at present, in chemical operations; for the coming year the work will continue to he carried out in the Genetics Bublding, vith cooneration where indicated, with other faculty, Budget - (OVER) Budget - Staff | era ineunbente in the laberretory Research Assistants (A $1920; Acad Yr $1600) Ann ©, Cook | Aler Dichter | Yutinord "irote * > > > > to 2 3 tn atriemee tans tinge OF Other Serriying Pabp. 1988 ** crebebly L, Wnierie Janee ('.5,, Bactorfolory, ‘elbourne Univ, } af shen T have ¢ very hich estimation fre: my observetions curing ny winlt te Uelbeurne, g 7 ris) *List names only if it is fairly definite the person will be available; otherwis@ open positions should be indicated, Hourly Help g 1 oC Supplies end Equipment = *20 & - TOTAL REQUEST