THE GRADUATE SCHOOL SSE rr rT rT TT == SlCr ere UNIVERSITY RESEARCH COMMITTEE REQUEST FOR RESEARCH SUPPORT FOR THE YEAR 1957-58 MUST BE IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OFFICE NOT LATER THAN JANUARY 17, 1957 (Please submit forms in duplicate) Name Lederberg doshua Date Jan. 14, 1957 Last First Middle Initial Department Gere ties Title of project Genetics of Bacteria —~~detaiis in annual progress reports— Results to date: l. Phase variation in Salmonella depends on the alternation between active and inactive'states' of a single gene. 2. Genetic facters of the host bacterina are ‘transduced’ by phage particles growm on it. The phage itself behaves as another such genetic factor. 3. Galactose-fermentation in F. coli follows the same ensymatic pathway ae in mn. Mutants affecting different enzymes have been found; some are homologous with the hereditary disease in aan, ‘galactesemia’. as a rule, mtante affecting the same enayme show a genetic position-effect with ons another, in accord with the popular conception of a unitary gene-enzyme relationship; however, some ex- ceptions have been found and should be analysed further. 4. Penioillin inhibits the synthesis of the becterial cell-@all, resul- ting in the production of wall-less protoplasts. fhe protoplasts can be cultivated, if embedded in agar media, to give what had been described as L-colonies. Procedure — indicete the essential working plans: We plan te contime these studies along the same lines as now in progress. tional facéés are; 1. The attempted use of pretoplasts as recipients for free DNA. Since they lack ax rigid external barrier, they might be more amenable to the introduction of free chromo- some fragamits (i.e., DA~mediated, rather than phage-mediated, transduction). 2. A seareh for mtants which are blocked in the biosynthesis of specific eell~wall components. One auch mitant 1s already available, faving been found Casually by B. Daris, and requires diaminopimelic acid. In the absence of this compound, the mtant foras proteplasts. Such omtants would furnish specific bioassays for wall components like Gimminopimelic acid, 3. Mr. Richter, who is completing an M.A. thesis on genetio napping in 5. coli, will work on a collaborative project with Prof. C. Heidelberger on ‘genetic chemistry’. He will stady the genetic effects of the incorporation of bromouracil ani other purine-pyrimidine analgnes into bacterial DMA. Budget - (OVER) Budget ~ Staff* # are inoushents Research Assistants (A $1920; Acad Yr $1600) | A Tetwao Tino 1920 A # Alan &x Richter ("ARF fellow) 1920 A # Robert HE. aright | 1920 A ne 1920 Other 7680 $ *List names only if it is fairly definite the person will be available; otherwise open positions should be indiceted. For sicllled undergraduate aasistants coproaching tre Hour 9 'deT8 of graduate research agsistants, Other fumds are statle to cover cests ef routine dishwashing. Supplies and Equipment 3 720 TOTAL REQUEST