May 18, 1956 REPORT ON RESEARCH PROJECTS for the FISCAL YEAR 1955-56 I. Neme LEDERBERG Joshua Dept. Bens tics Proj. No,__ 932233 Title of project Genegics of bacteria M. L. Wright . R. E. Wright II. Personnel: etsa Lino III. Statement of other financial support, if any, for this project: Nationalinstitates of Health ยง 500 Rockefeller Foundation 6 000 IV. Brief statement of specific progress made during the year: 1. Phase variation in Salmonella has been found to depend an reversible change of state of a gene (Hp). 2. Position effect groups of Gal loci are being correlated with specific enzymes (galactokinase ani UDPGal-transferase, respectively) but there are some exceptions. 3. BE. coli K~l2 mtants showing different patterns of segregation have been isolated. 4. A method for producing protoplasts in E, coli has been discovered, which indicates that the mechanism of action of penicillin is to inhibit wall synthesis. V. Publications that have appeared in print from July 1, 1955 to June 30, 1956. See attached List VI. Manuscripts accepted for publication but not yet printed: See attached list The pink copy should be returned to the Graduate School Office on or before fugust 1, 1956. The blue copy is for your file,