REQUEST TO RESEARCH COMMITTEE FOR RFSFARCH SUPPORT, 1956 ~ 1957 \ Submitted by Professor Joshua Lederberg, Department of Genetics, January 5, 1956 TITLE AND REASONS FOR STUDY RESULTS OBTAINED TO DATE Genetics of Bacteria: a continuing program on life cycles and genetic mechanisms of bacteria and other microbes. See attached sheets for detailed report PROCEDURE AND PERSONNEL All laboratory work will be conducted in the Denetics Department, and will be an extension of current studies. The partial problems will be handled as follows: Trandduction in Escherichia coli; relationship of provirus to bacterial genes. Dr. F. M. Lederberg; Dr. J. Lederberg; Dr. M. L. Morse (to June 1956) Sexual conjugation in F. coli. Dr. N. Morton; Dr. J, Lederberg Cytoplasmic transmission in yeast dikaryons. Mr, R. EF. Wright Transduction in Salmonella; genetic control of flagellar antigens. Mr. T. Iino* Biophysics and genetics of sexual compatibility in ©. coli. Mr. Alan Richter* *These assistants, now supported by WARF funds, have proved to be excellent graduate a@adents and researchers. I have never before had such a consistently good group. Mr. \iright's work last year was set back by a serious auto accident but he has now resumed at his former stride. Mr. Richter is a WARF fellow; the budget below is based on the assumption his appointment will be renewed, which I am happy to recommend. Miss Ruth Zlcten was intended as a fourth assistant last year but she has joined a related project with Professor D. T. Berman. The budget request provides for the renewal of these appointments, with the possible additicnsBf a student to be selected from current applications. FINANCIAL SUPPORT During the past tw years, the Committee has awarded funds for four assistants. Last year, two appointments were vacant, but the funds were used to met urgent and unforeseen needs; they were rearranged to pay the salary of one full~time nonstudent assistant. This is now to be supported from other funds, and the assistantships now requested are intended for their usual appiication to gradu- ate assistants. Budget 3 Twelve-month assistantships, at $1560 4 680 (Wright; Iino; -—) Hourly Help (dishwashing) 500 Equipment (small air-turbine centrifuge for concentrating phage) 200 (Contingent request; assistantship for Richter 1 560)+ Total & 5 380 *“tRequested for the contingency that his WARF fellowship will be terminated.