August 9, 1955 Dr. Vernon Bryson Program Director for Genetic Biology National Science Foundation Washington 25, D.C. Dear Dr. Bryson: I am enclosing a number of copies of an application for a research grant to support our work on genetic transduction in FE. coli K-12. This proposal has not yet been submitted through the University's administra~ tive officers, and its presentation at this time is therefore informal. A formally endorsed copy will be forwarded later if it meets with the approfal of Vice-President Petersom, who is authorized to negotiate for $he University on these matters, I am sending the advance copies in order to leave time to take care of any questions I may not have anticipated, prior to the Sepetmber 15 deadline. As stated in the proposal, the immediate purpose is to continue Dr. Moree's studies on the Gal-Lp transduction in E. coli K-12. This has proved to be one of the most interesting studies we have had an eccasion to meet with in this laboratory, and it has engaged the cloee attention not only of Dr. Morse byt of Dr. E. Lederberg and myself in its various aspects. As a graduate student, Morse proved himself to be an extremely well balanced research worker, with outstanding success both in the theoretical desigh and the practical execution of these experiments, and I am particularly hopeful to be able to continue the collaboration. Dr. Morse's stipend tis based on local standards, and perhaps needs no further explanation. However, he came to this laboratory after having had considerable research experience at Oak Ridge, and is a far more mature investi- gator than might be suggested by the recency of his Ph.D. degree. He has al- ready been offered other positions than would pay considerably more than the indicated stipend. For his second year} it might be messary to increase his salary (for competitive reasons) beyond the amount indicated. If so, it might be a question whether to encourage him to stay, or alternatively to seek uni- versity approval for a further increase, to be made up from other funds. He is married and has one child, I would particularly call your attention to our hope that if the proposal is acceptable, 1t be activated at the earliest possible date » as stated in the proposal. We should have prepared this application for an earlier deadline » but last mantge- 3% was too soon to anticipate the details of the present circumstances. \- Yours sincerely, SY mh \ \ of Joshua Lederberg os vf Professor of Genetics