May 16, 1955 REPORT ON RESEARCH FROJECTS for the FISCAL YEAR 1954-55 I, Name LiWERBERG Joshua Dept. Genetics 54:21 Froj. No.__217 Title of project_Genetics of Bacteria Il. Personnel: Helen (Byers) Bernstein,ii.i. Res Assy Aleck Bernstein, iD. Proj. Assoc. M.L.Morse Ph.D. Res. Asst. ami Proj. Assoc. R. 4. Wright. :1.5. Res. Asst. III, Statement of other financial support, if any, for this project: National Institutes of Heelth ® 500 Rockefeller Foundation 6 500 IV, Brief statement of specific progress made during the year: 1. Further progress on morphology and genetics of conjugel pairing in FE, coli 2. Position effect and relation of bacterial virus to genes in transduction in F. coli. 3. Search for fertile strains of ©. coli concerned with infantile gastroenseritis— strains were found but for other reasons not suitable for inmunogenetic studies. 4. Heterokaryosis in Streptomyces FEXEEMET species. 5. Further details on sex compatibility system in ™. coli, 6. Differentiation of antigenic phases of Salmonella by dye agglutination. V. Publications that have appeared in print from July 1, 1954, to June 30,1955. Bernstein, Ae, and Lederberg,J. 2@ Agglutination of motile Salmonslias by acridines. J. Bact. 692142-146, 1955. Lederberg, J. A simpie method for isolating single micpobes. J. Buct, 68:258=259,1958 « Lederberg, J. Genetics ani Microbiology. Perspectives and Horizons in Wicrcblology, Butgers Poiv, Breas, Been phe Bablication but not yet printed: Lederberg, J. Recombination mechanisus in bacteria. Symposium on Genetic iecombination, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Suppl. 2, Jour, Comp. Celi. Physiol., 49556 Lederberg, J. and Lederoerg,!.:i. Infection and heredity. Growth Symposium (1955); to be published by Princeton Univ. Press '56 or '57. Lederberg,J. Prospects for a genetics of somatic and tumor cells. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sei. The pink copy Should te returned to the Graduate School Office_on or before August 1, 1955, The blue copy is for your file.