Request to Research Committee for Research Support for the Year 1955-1956 TITLE AND REASONS FOR THE STUDY: Genetics of Bacteria, This is a contiming »rogram on the life cycles and genetic mechanisms of bacteria. Information from bacterial genetics is of the utmost importance both for the understanding and control of the individual microbes that are studied, but also for its bearing on general penetic problems: relationship of gene to chromosome, gene action, position effect, anc the nature of viruses, RESULES OBTAINED TO DATE: See attached sheets on RF 5):217 PROCE URE: This is also outlined on the attached sheets, ‘ith no substantial ex- ception, the research depends on laboratory studies in this department. FINANCIAL SUPPORT: Last year's request was qualified by @ reasonable expectation of a fellowship award which did not, however, materialize, ‘he budget is comparable to last year's, except that other sources will suffice for supplies, Again the fourth assistantship, if allotted, may be vacated if certain fellowship prospects are achieved but this cannot be anticipated now, The requested bucget follows: 4 12-nonth assistantships, at 1,500 5,000 Hourly help (dishwashing) 509 45 550 If required by stringency of funds, one of the assistantships might he pared to a ten-month appointment, as it is uncertain whether the candidate would begin in July or September, PERSONNEL (assistants) 1. Mr. R. E, Wright (.5., 3iochemistry, U.\/,) Incumbent and an excellent student and assistant, 2. Mr. Tetsuo Iino is a Japanese student who will not arrive until February 1955 owing to shortage of research space here, He has the equivalent of an l.S,, some research experience in microbial agents, excellent recommendations, and a Fulbright travel grant, 3e Miss R, Ruth Zloten (H.5., Genetics, Manitoba) has spent this year working as an assistant in another laboratory (Professor “erman, Vet Sci.) for the same space reagons, Her work as a student and agsistant to date appears to be commendable, he to be chosen from current applicants; or, if required by rearrangenent of funds, may be used to pay part of salary of a full-time technical assistant (irs, Dorothy Costinr, M.S., Bacteriology, Wis.) Joshue Lederberg Professor of Genetics University of Wisconsin December 20, 195) 2 Saye ab Kit c yd i2/ 20/ my }