May 19, 1954 FEPORT ON RESEARCH PROJECTS for the FISCAL YEAR 1953-54 I. Name ED 'RB'RG Joshua Dept, Genetics Proj. No, 53% 326 Title of project Bacterial Genetics II. Personnel: Helen L. Byers Aleck Bernstein III. Statement of other financial support, if any, for this project: Watioml Institutes of Health: $ 8 500 Rockefeller Foundation 6 000 IV. Brief statement of specific progress made during the year: A morphological basis for genetic recombination in F. coli has been visualized for the first time. ith the proper combination of parents, a few percent of the cells form microscopically visible pairs which remain attached about 1-2 hours. The exconju- gants then show a very high incidence of genetic recombinants » supporting previous inferences of a sexual mechanisa, In addition, the inherdd#itance of incomplete genetic factors (capable of functioning without reproducing) has been stul ied in the Salmonella transduction system. V. Publications that have appesred in print from July 1, 1953, to June 30, 1954. TAMA! Lederberg,J. and Tatum, F.L., Sex in bacterla: genetic studies, 1945-1952. Science 118: 169-175, 1953 Stocker, 3.A.D., Zinder,N.D., and Lederberg,J., Transductipgsef flagellar characters in Salmonella. Jour. Gen. Microbiol. 9:410=433 VI. Manuscripts accepted for publication but not yet printed: Nelson, T.6.g aml Lederberg,J., Post-zygot&® elimination of ymetic factors in E. coli. Proc. Nat. Acai. Sci. U.S., 402415-419. 1954. Lederber g,J., Genatics and Microbiology. Rutgers University Institute of Microbiology, Dedication Sympesiua, In Press. Lederberg, J., Recombination mechanisms in bacteria. Symposium on Genetic Recombination, Oak Ridges National Laboratory, In Press. The pink copy should be returned to the Graduete School Office on or before August 1, 1954. The blue copy is for your file. Cavalli-Sforza,L.L., and Lederberg,J., Genetics of resistance to bacterial inhibitors. Symposium on growth inhibition and chemotherapy, International Congress of Yicrobiolo Rome, 108-142, 19 derber gadey ai denne P.Re, aeectitte Pécombination in Salmonella. MANO, our. e vale 2320 21,0. 1953