ha 7 e pasty eyes nee whe Ft tn, oy egw tints ”~ ” Bk In, i, Ledevbore and Joshua Lederheng Deecmber 1. 1953 _ Nw + Recent studies of recombinetion in E, coli (17) have led tw the discovery of a compatibility mechanism (5) » a lysogenic system subject te genetic centro? (16), and a systen of limited transduction by temperate phage (22) comparable to that of Salmonella (28), These three phenomena involve transfer of heritable fectors by infection in contrast to bacterial mating which invelwes the entire genotype. The clarification, cifferentiation, ard interrelationships of these mechanisms were emphasized in this in- vestigation, I The LYSOGENIC SYSTEM INE. COLI K-12 The relationship of a temperate phage, ds to a specific locus, Lp, (Latent phage) has already been reported (10). In summary, the prin« cipal reaction types of bacterial Strains are: sensitive (Lp®) » lysogenic (Lp*), ‘and the non~lysogenic resistant type, Tmmune-I (Lp™), In crosses they behave as a system of multiple alleles, linked most closely with Galj,. This linkage has been confirmed in a Cal* Lp’ x Gal™ Lp® cross in another Laboratory (27), In addition, the two factors segregated out of heterozygous diploids in the parentel coupling. This evidence points, therefore, to a genic determinant regulating the maintenance of \ provirus. (2) Prom a mumber of direct and indirect experiments it is known that all these types adsorb \e A second locus, Lpo> controls resistance or sen~ sitivity to «2, a virulent Anutant, and is situated in the Mal,--S region of the chromosome. As Lipo” strains cannot adsorb d, they are therefore not subject to any consequences whose initial reaction requires adsorption; Lpo does not interfere with the maintenance of AX previously established in Lp” strains, The genotype Lp®Lp.° is consequently indistinguishable from Lp"Lpy* types with respect to lytic effect of Ae Cross-reactions of \with d-2 antiserum have been observed, New Data on Immune-1: The status of the various isolates of immne-1 strains has been reported, and the interpretation of their constitution with respect to prophage had been reserved pending evidence of a “eryptolysogenic" phage that normally fails to mature to give rise to lytic virus, The segregation pattern of Gal"Lp* /Gal), Lp" diploids, also heterozygous for Mtl and Maly {table 7 } is identical with similar Lp’ /up® results, The hypothesis that Lp* types may carry a non-reproducing prophage is supported by experiments in which a low titer of was recovered by U-V induction of at least one (22), Lp” types are also subject to transduction, and the results of these studies will be deferred to that section. (3) incidental Vavient Types: No sew evidence buaring on the probler on the “semllysogenic® strain (10) can be presented, Tests to determine whether hostemodified A.was carried (section III) were negative. An intermediate host reaction, semiregistant to both Xana 2, comparable to the one in Shigella varadysenteriae (26) and the ¥4P allele of K~12 (112) has been clarified, Standard . suspensions have a reduced efficiency of plating (cop) on this mtant such that the plaques produced are reduced in size and number, and also show a reduced efficiency of transduction, The mtants have been successfully lysogenized, but are still seniresistant to j-2. The protocols for cresses which establish a mutation at a new Lp3 locus not linked to Lpo-Mal or Lp, ~ Gal, and conferring partial resistance to), are presented in table 13, Mechanism of infection; Mutation and Selection vs. Induction: Breeding experinents and diploid segregations reveal only the chromosomal determi- nant of lysogenicity. The facility of the change Lp? to Lp” encourages the possibility that A directly induces (rather than selects) Lp’ among the mmerous survivors of exposure to phage, the following types of evidence would be useful in elucidating the primary infection process: (1) identification of a “prelysogenic” genotype in the absence of phage Cy would encourage the sutation hypothesis, Tt would be cheracterized as an apparent immune-1 that would be converted to a stable lysogenic after treatment with). (2) a careful study of the dynamics of infection, in« cluding the isolation of clonal pedigrees of single cells exposed to r which engender lysogenics, A pure lysogenic pedigree would favor the induction hypothesis. Attempts to identify the prelysogenic genotype in K-12, and hybrids of K~12 and other crossable lines have been unsuccessful, Preliminary experiments of the infection process (10) have disclosed lysogenic colonies contaminated with sensitive cells and free phage long after initial con- tact with). These mixed clones have since been confirmed in K-12 (18) and Salmonella (14,201,233). The pogsibility that spontaneous alteration of the bacteria predisposing to a lysogenic decision plays some role in the recovery of lysogenics is thus not yet excluded. However, the simplest conception remains that the genetic elements of the phage are directly incorporated in, or attached to the bacterial chromosome as we have been able to find no indication of an extra-muclear inheritance of lysogenicity. The Effect ofh and F on Crossing Behavior: The presence of r in one, both, er nolther of the parents of a cross does not influence the yield of recombinsnts, 4s noted earlier (8) eensitives were not eliminated as lethal phenotypes, bub the progeny of lysogenic x sensitive included both parental types, and no others, in ratios dependent on the selected auxotroph markers, On the other hand, the compatibility factor (F) determines not only the yield but also the segregation pattern of many overtly unselected markers, Prototrophs are recovered only when at least one parent is F; F also seems to direct the elimination of certain chro- mogomal segments after the formation of the hybrid zygote (15,23). The important distinctions of F and dare summarized in table 1, These are emphasized to mitigate any confusion that might arise from the suggestions that have been recorded elsewhere that A may play a direct role in sexual recombination as well as to emphasize the distinction be» tween the x controlled transduction of restricted genetic factors and the Fecontrolled sexual recombination. The independent transmission of these factors was demonstrated by the recovery of (1) F*Lp® cells on the one hand, and F°Lp* on the other, from mixturcs of genetically labelled FLp® and F*Lp*, and similarly, (2) Lp*F? (but no Lp®F* or Lp*F*) as sur- vivors from F"Lp® exposed to \econtaining filtrates from F*Lp* cultures, om (6) TI TRANSDUCTION Celi-free filtrates derived from suitable Salmonella strains were capable of transferring unit genetic factors to a competent recipient (28). A wide range of independent markers has been equally subject to transduction. Additional analysis has shown that the temperate phage of the donor strain is the vector of the genetic material (16,25), Attempts to detect trans~ duction in K.12 among the survivors in the turbid centers of X plaques were negative (10); but by using high-titer lysates obtained by U-V induction (20), a successful transduction was achieved (22), Two striking contrasts with the Salmonella system were demonstrated: (1) the restriction to a single genetic character, galactose fermentation, and (2) a striking instability manifested by mosaic Gal*/Gal” colonies after transduction despite repeated single colony purification on EMB galactose agar. The incidence of persistent instability, rarely if ever encountered in Salmonella (1h), varies with the recipient strain, Confounding of Transduction with Recombination ?: The conditions required for transduction are generally precluded in crossing experiments, Moreover, the unstable mosaic Gal* /Gal” colony characteristic of trans~ duction has not been se far recovered among recombinant progeny, A (7) more careful inquiry into the effect of X and Gal segregation was necessary, however, in view of the transduction phenomenon, since it may provide an alternativ interpretation of the Gal-Lp cosegregation ratios currently satisfied by a linkage explanation. Crosses of genetically related parents differing only in the presence or absence of were therefore studied, Table 2 demonstrates no significant deviation in the yleld of Gal” re~ conbinants where parents vary only for the Lp marker, is Transduction a Selection Artefact?: Interaction of genetic factors on reverse mutation of entirely independent loci have been re- ported before ( 125). An analysis of the Gal- segregation from the une stable transduction, the allelic transduction, reported below, as well as many other types of evidence (22) rule out the interpretation that the transduction is a selection artefact. The most convincing evidence, however, has been the development of specific Gal” transductions in Gal* recipient strains by means of 1 with extraordinary high frequency of transduction (22), when the d donor was Gea", Transduction and Fetransfer: Just as lysogenization is independent of the conversion of F” into F* atrains, the transduction mediated by AL is unreleted to the F status of either the recipient or the donor cells, (8) Crosses of F" x F" by standard technicues are completely sterile, Howe ever, recombination of two nonallelic Gal” mutants can be indirectly deme onstrated by transduction, Lysates from Lp’Gai*F” were completely functional in introducing the Gal” factor to Gal“F” cells. Similarly, norallelion of tuo Gal"F” strains can be established by the formation of Gal* in transduction experiments whereas the sexual sterility of the cross would black cell recombination in Loto. Crosses of a strain characterized by its enhanced fertility, Hfr, (18) displayed a Linkage of the Hfr trait to Gal (12). These data were verified (table 3) for Cal“5, Despite this linkage, efforts to trans- port the Hfr and Gal* factors simultaneously iato Gal F"Lp® recipient cells vis \ prepared from Hfr bacteria were unsuccessful, The conversion of F” to F* by ) filtrates from F’ strains was examined by crossing the Cal* transduction with F* tester strains and was likewise unsuccessful. The competence of din transduction therefore continues to be confined to the Gal cluster. The Concurrence of Transduction and Lysogenization: Observations on the E, coli system, as in Salmonella, are consistent with the hypothesis that the vector of transduction consists of temperate phege, As a rule, the teeasduetions isolated from Galthp® nactorir exposed to A are con+ sistently pure, stable lysogenics, despite the persistent instability of the Gal” tralt; the ensuing Gal- segragants are also lysogenic. Lyso- genization occurs very much more frequently than transduction, but the correlation of the two remained to be explored as evidence bearing on the hypothesis. In the first experiment (table h , part A) transductions were picked as Gat” papilise and streaked out on EMB galactose agar. A single Gal” (representing nontransinduced cells) and a single Gai* (the successfal transduction) were each tested for lysogenicity on an appropriate Lp® indicator, In experiment B, marked Gal Lp® eells in the approximate proportions expected from transduction were introduced with the Gal” and the mixed culture on EMB galactose plates. With the assumption that both Lp® strains would adsorb and be equally affected bys a disparity in lysogenizations of the two ensuing Gal* classes was Looked for. thoreas all of the transduction Gal* were lysogenized, only up to 70% of the artifically inserted Gal* or of the original Gal” hed been infected, Both parts of the experiment show a distinct corre= lation of lysogenization with transduction; the incidence of lysogenization is almost higher in these than in the control bacteria on the same plates. (10) Segregation of lysogenie sensitive has not so far been observed (ep te 500 tests) from these simultaneously transduced and lysogenized recipients. This evidence argues that Aas the passive vector of genetic material frou its source strain, This material is injected to the bacterium by the phage, im Salmonella the transduced genetic factors seem to umergo an immediate substitution for the homologues in the recipient bacterium, if they are successful at all, In E, coli K-12, however, an intermediate stage is perceived where one can detect simultaneously the presence of the original recipient and the new transduced genetic factors in the same celis by virtue of their subsequent segregation, The relationship between this replacement of genetic material and the conversion of virulent (into its prophage atage ("reduction" 6) has not yet been completely worked out. As will be | described below, however, these processes have been separated and are therefore not mitually dependent, Lysogeni zation of Twmme~l in Transduction Experiments: When iImmune-1 strains such as W-1027 and W192) are exposed to As no evidence of their lysogenization is ordinarily perceived. However, under conditions where transductions can be selectively isolated about 5% of these altered bacteria are also found to have been lysogenived, Repeated serial segregation of the resulting transductions showed that in some cases, lysogenicity failed to segregate. In others, lysogenicity and Gal segregate together, while Im a single instance a lysogenic Gal” segregant was found which con» tinued to segregate Lyp™ colonies. Sometimes a very weak lysogenicity is observed ("one~plaque types" in cross-brush tests) , which is completely lost after a few transfers. Some of these atypical cases are presented in table 5s and suggest the following alternative interpretaticns: (1) Lp” cells are genetically lysogenic but carry a modified prophage. These cells are generally resistant to infection with ), However, A may be exceptionally introduced simultaneously with the Gal* fragment and there may displace the avirulent form of the prophage, or when Lp segregation is observed, both prophages persist together for the time being. (2) The Lp is a "null" allele, In transduction, Lp* and Gal* factors are introduced, but the lysogenic Ammune segregation occurs when Gal segregates, This hypothesis can not account easily for the Gal“Lp*/" types except by devising a complicated scheme ie crossingover, (3) Iumunes may or may not be genetically lysogenic. The production of Lp* Signifies the occurrence of a double transduction at two leei, Gal and Lp. (a) ordinarily these linked factors would tend to be Lost as @ bleck in the ensuing segrogation, or (b) a linked trans= duction coas not operate. By a two-step process, two effective particles have penetrated; one fragment carries Gal*, the other Lp*, Independent segregation is permitted and a mechanism requiring the breakage of a 20 factor linked fragment as in (2) is not called for. In any event, special assumptions must be made on the avidity of the Ly” locus for pro) to account for the failure of transductions to Lp® to segregate Ip*/Lp® along with Gal*/Gal”. However, the Lp” may only block the propagation of hor its reduction to pro~), Hypothesis (1) accounts for the occurrence of immmnes which can be induced by U-V (22), The recovery of unstable Lp’ transductions in non~transinduced Gal- would tend to support hypothesis 3, The most decisive elucidation of whether transduction displaces a mutant phage particle with a wild type dor whether a normal Lp* allele is substituted for a mtant or mill host Lp” gene would be provided by experiments with geretically distinguishable ) preparations, Lp /Lp® transductions were prominent wita irradiated J, tending to support hypothesis °, Irradiation effects: Quantitative agsays of transducing potentiality of phage preparation are necessarily based om plaqre counts, The survival (13) baad afcer varlous treatments of plagisenrocuicinug particles and transducing particles are not identical either in Salmonella (28) or Kel? (22), In fact, it is known from both studies that transducing power may be increased at some intermediate dosages, A comparison of the effects of U-V and X-radiation is given in table6, A U-V dese reducing plaque 7 assay from 1/2 x 10°° to 16.9 x 10° per ml yielded 170 transductions from an initial titer of 10" / wl. A comparable X~ray dose was found to be between 150,000 and 200,000 r. No recognizable transductions were recovered at the latter exposure, Two viewpoints are indicated: (1) the lytic and transducing principles in Aare separable by their independent survival, and (2) avirulent J particles are produced but they are damaged only to the extent of virulence for the host cell, Conclusive evidence favoring one or the other views of lp’, however, is not yet at hand, A decisive chemical and genetic separation of the transducing material from the virus particle has not yet been experi- mentally achieved, whether or not it is at all theoretically possible. GENETIC DEFINE TION OF THE GAL LOCI Recombination: Attention was focused on galactose nonfermenting mutants because of the colncidence of the first recognized Jesensitive (Li) mutant ia Gab”) (518) , and the subsequent observation of linked segregation of lp and Gal), (10). Gal” mutants have been isolated directly by inspection of surviving colonies after U-V treatment on EMB galactose agar and also as non-papillating variants of Lac” mutabile recovered on EMB lactose agar plates. Interaction of Gal™ and Gal* on the phenotypic expression and reverse mutation of Lacy and Lacy alleles have been described (9). Recombination analysis provided the evidence for a cluster of four linked Gal loci (7). Gal, and Galj, show a very lew order of crossovers. Preliminary data could only differentiate them on the basis of behavior in Het crossea} Lp and Gal, are both hemizygous, while Gal,” /Galy,” heverozygous diploids are readily obtained (table 7 ). dransduction: Transduction tests reinforce standard allelism tests (table 8); and in fact have tentatively identified several new loci, now awaiting confirmation by recombination analysis. Whether the relative yield of Gal* transductions is proportional to the map dis- tance between Lp and the Gal locus is in question. The results of large-scale allelism teats made available to date by new techniques to facilitate crossing are summarized in table 9, (15) The instability characteristic of the Gal” transduction results in the mosaic colony already noted and deserves further comment. Despite passage through a large number of serial single colonies, Cal- segregants are almost always thrown off. In transductions from Gal*, i.e. Gal x Gal”, these Gal” segregants have been identified as alleles of the lecus of the original recipient strain, both by crossing and further transduction tests, No other icinds of Gal” have been recovered, On the other hand, if the donor is a non-allelic Gal“, both donor and recipient Gal” appear among the segregants from the Gal* transduction (22). For example, Galo ~~X Gal,” gives galactose~fermenting intermediates, presumably of the constitution Galp Gal,” /Galy Gal”. The segregants in all these tests are identified by (1) crossing experiments with Cal,” and Gal)” testers, (2) deriving \ and subjecting the testers to its action, and (3) applying Afrom Gal”, Gal,”, Gal)“, ete. The Galy” Gal)”, a crossover type, has not been conclusively and consistently established, This double mitant would be identified as one which is subject to transduction by \ from Gal’ and from any Gal” other than Galp” or Galy,", and would yield no Gal” recombinants in crosses with Gal,” and Gal, ~ testers, (16) Diploid studies: The preceding evidence points to a chromoscmal localization of the Lp lysogenicity determinant closely linked to a series of Gal loci. Evidence for the segregation of a prophage linked to the Gal;, locus ruled cut the possibility of a random distribution of cytoplasmic particles in cells carrying A(io). These observations have since been extended to Galp and Gal), hybrids (ann heterozygous Lp /s). and also Gal) “Lp /Galy,“Lp™ diploids (table 10), A study of such diploids segregating cut distinguishable ) types is in preparation, Preliminary evidence also has been obtained elsewhere from crosses with lysogenic parents, one carrying a mutant d (or one "doubly lysogenic") the other doubly sensitive, which yielded Gal/Lp progeny in parental couplings (1), The mutational. independence of Gal and Lp was also examined in the doubly homozygous diploid, Comparable @xperiments with the closely- Lae, and ¥¢ loci have already been reported. Lac’ reversions were selected in Lac“V6F/Lac"Ve% diploids, The resulting doubly heterozygous diploids were of two types: Lac*V,F /Lac"V,8 and Lae"V¢" /Lac*V,", and with equal frequency (11). A double homozygote Gal"Lp*/Galy Lp”, also segregating a few other markers, (and unfortunately also Lps) was prepared by stepwise exposure of (17) the double heterozygote to U-¥ (Ly) and the isolation of suitable "reorganized" diploids, The resulting diploid, H~331 was infected with Me Several Gal, Lp /Gal)"Lps isolations, A to G, were then allowed to papillate on EMS galactose agar, Independently occurring Gal” were selected, and the segregation pattern of Lp and Galy of the resulting double heterozygotes was tested, The incidence of mutation to Gai* on the Lp* chromogome (coupling phase, or cis configuration) was com= pared with that on the Lp® chromosome (repulsion phase, or trans- configuration). The analysis included a single Gal and a single Gal segregant from a large number of diploids, (pair analysis) and the examination of many segregants from a single mass diploid culture (random analysis), From diploid B, 5 cis configurations and 6 trans configurations (table 11) were scored, The conclusion from this evidence/is that the condition of the Lp locus, whether lysogenic or sensitive, has no significant bearing on which one of the 2 Gal” alleles will mtate to cart, (These pre~ liminary data will be expanded, and also extended to a corresponding study of diploids first nade heterouygous Gal, “Lp*/Gal,"Lp*, and then infected with },) (28) The above studies provide to lsinds of Ep” /Ly®; Gal” /Gat™ diploids: \ coupled on the one hand with Gal” (eis) and on the other, with Galy” (trans) Tf the notbrity ef fron "trans bacteria is confined to non Calo recipient a chronosonnl bus not melear Imitation to Aspe ificlty is indicated, ALL Gal” Lu cle ing Gal,” is expected te respond to cis A. A difference in aN fron thoes diploids whieh are phenotypically identical, and seretically identical cxcept for the arrengenent of component parts established a “position effect." oa far, only \tron the trans-type diploid has been prepered., Ta! hle ous that while Gal” (Gal, “Gat iy, “) cells are subject to transduction, enly rare Cal," transductiong were recovered, The develos- ment of an adequate diploid culture to satisfy the nutritional prerequisites for U-V induction in K-1e (3 ,5) ard an interzediate growth period nece essarily peraits somes selection for haploid seevegants, The yield of A obtained very probably includes a limited portion derived fron Cal, Lp’ and Gal, Lp” haploids. The latter eroszover types may account for those transductions which were found, The date so far allow the tentative con~ clusion of a position effect hypothesis and strengthen the concent of an intimete velationship of doa Gel at a specific ection site on the z = Rt tt chromosome, Vronsductbions of the double honemreote [6331 and lryeon (19) desivatives has apparently been obtained. The analysis is complicated by the fact that diploid—haploid instability ean be confounded with trans» duction ingtabllity. COMPARATIVE GENETICS OF Lp AND Gal IN OTHER LINES Among the Independently iselated eressable strains of E, coli (12) the wild type of three lines (28,47, and $1) were sensitive to carried by ine 1. A fourth, Line 31, threw off rough variants which were all h sensitive. These strains occurred in nature as F” but could be + altered to FP ty grovth with K-12 or suitable derivatives, So far, ab least ons Gal” mutant is subject to transduction, Preliminary intra~ Line-? evosses established an Lp locus like that of Ku12,' and a Gal~Lp linkags, Very little mapping work has teen completed among these strain, and the cuphesis go far in these studies has been ths genetic behavior of (in outerosses with E-12, Sensitives of each Line are readily lysogenized by K-12 \ovat these lysogenics show a reduction of cop on K~12 sensitive indicators, This system is entirely anolagous to host modification demonstrated for f2 (19) and ) produced by strain G (2), The terminology established for these systems will be used to describe the properties of our strains, Thus Lines 28,31, and h? can be designated as Ke lysogenic or (it sensitive, Line 1 senusitives are more resistant to he than to type je he can be . introduced at low rates into A sensitive hosts, but normal rather than de is recovered, Similarly, normal Ais converted to fe after a single passage in A* sensitive hosts, The four phenotypes are readily dis tlnguishable in cross~brush tests as follows: Reaction with: ~S6NnS . t=SONB Cc B Exanple Type bacteria bacteria \ he line 1 lysogenic A * + R R line h? sensitive B - ~ Ss Ss line 1 sensitive C - ~ 8 R line 7 lysocenic D ~ + R R +/- = lysogenic or not; R/S = resistant or sensitive Two major hypotheses can be tested by intercrossing these types? I ip controls all reactions: the types A-D are determined at a single locus. It inp controls lysogenicity/ sensitivity; another locus, Mp, controls resistance or sensitivity to Mite (a) Both and Ne are fixed at Lp in phenotypes A and D, (b) Ais fixed at Lp in type As )# 49 fined at Mp in type D. (21) The consequences of these hypotheses are shown im table 12, The eritical evosses for Land IT are Ax Band C xD. The only decisive cross for II a ve. If bd is Ax D, IL b would be favored by the recovery of sensitive recombinants as well as a novel genotype whose phenotypic'effects are unpredictable. Since there is a possibility that Lp and Mp are closely linked a large sample of progeny many be required, One must bear in mind, in reviewing these intercross data that the prototrophs represent recon bination ef as yet unmapped mutritional factors, In addition, chromosome and other irregularities correlated with interstrain hyorids: have not been analysed, Effective transductions have been ackleved in these strains, Gal- in lines h7 end 31 have been used as recipients, for A produced by line 1, 28, 31, and h?, A reduction in the effectiveness of transduction to line 1 reciplents is parallel with the reduced effectiveness of lyso- gerization, In general no important differences with the K~12 mechanism have been demonstrated, Hypothesis II b is doubtful.so far, The dif- ferentiation of the }+ of different lines is still to be tested, A single intercross shows no genetic difference so far, In preparing this report, it has been necessary to make mmerous references to the unpublished work carried on in this laboratory by Professor J, Lederberg, Mr. M. L. Morse, and others, under other auspices. These are cited by ruber to the bibliography, Tabie 1 Characteristics of F (compatibility factor) and A(virus) Criterion F status ) (effects) (1) Yield of reconbinants Decisive None (2) Pype of recombinants Decisive None (3) Trenemisslon to recombinants 100% Segregated according to linkage with selected mutritional markers; behaves as a genetic locus, {1} Transmission by infection Rapid and Results in mixed clones (3). fixed {¢) Cell-free preparations Not yet Easily filtered. acconplished (6) Effect of antiserun Slight if Blocks adsorption any (7) Role in Gal.* transduction None Decisive Table 2 The Effect of Aon % Gal” Progeny Lt - NO ad” _ T-L~Th-Gal* parent Res - M°Gal™ parent x lysogenic = iios:'¢ Immune F lysogenic 8.0 Mh immone . 633 6.3 sensitive 667 10.1 Linkage of Gal, Lp, and Hfr Table 3 W+1895 x W-2208 Part A: Genotypes recovered! Total Gal Ip F + + + Li; * + s + 5 - + ee Oo + ga h - + + 0 Part B: 2 2 2 contingencies Gal” Gal” =—sdTotal, «Ss P* oF” Total. Fr 20% 0 20 r 9 Bue ho ip* 15% 0 15 13% 5 18 Ly® EL oe ho 6 33% 39 Lac* 26% 5 32 a) 31 Lac™ k 26% 30 7 278 3) Vy Lt 9 10 Le 9 10 v8 28 21s L9 23 20% 13 Xylo" He i 10 je 2 9 Kylo 20 30% 50 16 Fe 23 % Parentsl conbination " 1 Selected as Gal* and Gal” prototrophs, Table hk Lysogenization in Transduced and Nontransduced Lp® Part At Gal* and Gal” from single papillae Gal” /dal” Pair type Number Gai Ip® Gai” Lp* Lp*/ip* 13 Gai* Lp? 2 3 8 Lp*/Lp 15 Lp®/Lp* 3 Gal* Lp* 17 13 LpS/ips 2 Lp* /up® 2 % Gal* sensitive 15.2 % Gal- sensitive 7.2 Part Br Lysogenization of transduced and inserted Gal” 3 Av, Ho, Gal” vocovered Lp” strains Control ‘Treated types in mixture No. tested % lysogenic Gal Lact 109 92 Gn*Lac* (inserte) 16 68.5 Cal“Lac” ‘Lhe 432 Gal“Lac™ (origins) ho 72.5 Mixtureisnt 106.5 W9 Gai."Lae~ (transductions) 103 100, 109.) + Spontaneous reversions per 10° anoculum aut: 108 Gal~Lac~ and 109 Gal*Lac* Table 5 Transductions to Gal)” Inmmune~Is Segregation Patterns Exp, 385% Strain 192): 27 Gal” Number lysogenic Number semilysogenic Number nonlysogenic (lys) . “ semi) on (non) #2 ho é Colony generation . 7 1 Lal” non 139 Gal* ys +h Gat” iys 18 mi 1 oat semi = 1. Gall" semi ar", | L (Gai* Vy and Gal / and Gal”) \ - 2 Gal” lys non ob 2 Gal” non Ir Gal” non t Gal”lys : Gal" non Gal“lys . 2 Gait 2 Gel 49 bait 19 Ge1* non lys non . non TIr Gal*tys Gal“non h3 lys 3 non 1 semi Iv lys non v PAN non non VI lye ion fap. Y3L: Strain 2110: 38 Gal*: 28 non, 1 eemi (#23), and 9 lys Segregation patterns ali Gal” lys, all Gal™ non: 2 of lys ail Gal* lys, all Gal= lys: 5 all Gal* lys, Gal” lys and non 2 both Gal* and Gai” non: #23 Table curvivel and Transduction wlth Irradiated ny Xray” ( x 10° r) os Uniweatod 4 - No phase phage Ua" 50 ico 8-150 200 Ay, plaques/ui x10? 9 427,000 16.9 1,667 3,975 377 100 & survival ~ 100 «000013. 3208 = 33 04297 0.008 Lp® bacteria Yo. Gal papillae 20 1,000 170 250 85 320 30 ~ 4 u G45 100 3h 25 17 6 6 tp bacterLa Wo. Gal” papillae 39 60 ~ 135 lis 31 20 oe # " 65 100 225 191.7 5.2 3.3 20 minutes, sterileup 103 w/min, ab 250 K.V., courtesy A, Novick, Radiobiology Inst., YJ, of Chicago, Table 7 Segregation of Cal, Lo,... diploids A. He32y Bo He325 Segregation of Loo, By, not Segregation of Vg, Mtl, Lpa, By not tabulated, tabulated, Galg- Calot Lp Mal Syl M T,2. Galy~ Galy+ 1 47 + + em 2 ho ‘ 0 1 + “6 = 0 0 o 1 PF of mF é 0 Oo 0 ; * ~ ee 6 1 1 0 tot Fe 4 0 0 2 9 + ow RF 0 0 25 S Boom » f 13 Go tw ‘SO So oS © Q 2 4 2 + > : ~ ~j o 09 89 09 80 FF 9 Z S = + + + 0 2 s t - + + 3 0 5S = ~~ mS 12 50 50 Total tested SL 2 Table 8 AlIsLic Specificity of the Gal « \Transduetion at the Gel 1, Gel 2, and Gal. b 1ocd. d= donor bacteria Recipient cells Gal 1. Gal 2 Gal Le 2th+ 1+2-))+ 1+2+h- + + + + + + ~ + + ~ + + al ~— + + ~ + diploids: 2 % + % ra data (21) (300) (trans) + + + Lp* z = ie (cis) No data * Gal + papillae per 10” dL Table 9 Summary of Current Allelism Tests Totalitt No, 7 Exp. No, Gal” type FF" parent F* parent progeny Gal” Maxim, % Galt 535% xh W~750 Lot Wa223) Lp® 5000 17 0.3 563% 2000 15 0.75 Saige exh W-1210 Lp* W..223) Lp® 6000 25 Ook 563% 1600 WD 0,68 580 21,00 8 0.3 535 hx 3 WeS18 Lp® We2315 Lp* 807 6 O.7h 582 hx? WeG18 LpS W.2215 Lp? 5000 0 0 6700 5 0.06 583 1x? We2291 Lp® We583 Lp* 7603 _— 2 0,026 * Ay Gal* recombinants in these experiments are Lp®, svEstimated total, Type of cross (a) (Het) 1. Hat diploids (b) (Het) 2, Lacl- x Lae)- (a) (b) 3, Haploid x auxoe (a) trophic diploid (b) but Gal 1 does not. Table 10 Behavior of Gal. and Lp in Lac +/~ Diploids F (TL th) + « - > + o + + + + + « = + + + Wf ef +f +/u -/* + +/o Parents Lac, Lac), Galy Galj, Lp + + + + + a + + = 8 + + + + + ~ + - + + + ~~ + + + oe + + - 8 + - + + + same, except M~ parent is Lp* 1/ In Het crosses, Lp does not segregate. Gal 1 and Gal ); Diploid progeny Gal Lp +/ +/> or ~/o V 3/ +/> or -/e not. segregating Mostly +/+ Mostly +/e 2/ Mostly «/* Mostly 6/ 2/ +/o Gal* Lp* / Gal-Lp (linked) 3/ 8 Gait Lp” / Gal-Lp” (linked) 3 two closely linked loci also differ: Gal ) segregates, 2f Diploids resulting from delayed disjunction revealed by heterozygotes of two Lac pseudoalleles show no segregation of Gal or Lp. 3f The only successful demonstration of heterozygosity of Gal and Lp, L/ Aeration phenocopy. 5/ +/+ indicates purity for +, whether hemizygous or homozygous. Reversal of F status reverses the polarity of the Gal, Lp segregation. Table 12 Segregation Patterns of Cal Reversions in Gal,“Lp"/Gal,“Lp* Diploids 2 2 Diploid Total + ~ Galt - + ~ Inferred number segre= cal cal = Gal bat bal type of gants Lp’ ip? Lp” Lp® Lp, Lpp® Lp.” Lpo® Mal Mal” Mal* Mal~ diploid AL 161 76 6 3 76 LS 0 39 0 1 53 17 36 cis Bi 121 2 6 6 i 52 8 60 1 38 22 61 0 trans B 2 73 0 Lo kl 0 32 7 3L 0 33 7 33 0 trans Ba 76 62 A 2 10 65 0 57 5 65 0 lh =:18 cis G1 Lg a 2 am oO 23 1 oh 0 9 15 ak; 0 trans El 60 30 0 3 27 26 4 oh 6 30 6) 16 86 cis BE? oh Oo 12@ #322 =40 12 0 12 0 6 6 12 0 trans E3 23 12 0 0 12 12 0 1 0 12 0 3 8 cis Fu 66 32 1 2 31 31 2 30 3 32 1 a 4612 cis Poo ho 20 0 i 19 20 0 20 0 20 0 7 #13 cis r3 23 12 0 oO il 12 0 16 1 12 0 3 8 cis Fh 18 a 0 1 6 10 3 0 7 at 0 7 0 cis Genetic Determination of Host Modification: Table 12 line i lines 28, 31, h7 Hypothesis I Lp locus with Genotypes Under Hypothesis Ila fixed at Lp, Hypothesis Tib fixed at Lp in line l, alleles modified by Mp at Mp in other lines Phenotypes Symbol Lp Lp Mp Lp Mp lysogenic A + + r + r sensitive B git 8 8 8 8 sensitive C Ss 8 r 8 r lysogenic D +t + 8 8 + AXB None c, D c, D BXC Nore None None cCxD None A, B A, B AXD None None B ami Lp’Mp* EXPTL. RESULTS: Lines crossed Type A C D Gal char. Expt. No. Lx 28 A Gal” x B O 16 1 0 + ig 18 0 0 - CGal™ xD 0 oO 3h + 2 18 3 7 418 Lx 31 AGalm™ xB 3 43 26 1 No record 420 AGal“~xB kh 22 28 = 12 Gal* only 4,23 AGal“ xB 8 2 1 37 + 0 1 0 0 ~ 423 CxDGal* 8 1 3 0 (and 28 Lpo”) B or © Why CGal-xD 9 9 a9 oO mostly Gal” 502 BGai”xC oO 15 13 0 + c. 8613 —l 68 0 - bh3 31 x 32 BxA 0 2 0 1 468 Lx h7 Ax B Galm 51 0 0 6 + ee ee ee : 2 al” x 7 1 9 + al hl 0 0 2 - 528 BxC @Gal- 0 13 17 0 + 0 8 ah 0 = 52 C Gal” xD 3 2 2 a + 2 2 28 0 - 523 AGal” xD 8 0 Oo 52 + 37 0 0 19 ~ F” parent underlined, Table 13 Genetic Control of the Semiresistant Phenotypess Nonlysogenic (W-21)7) and Lysogenic (W-2172) Part I Hypothesis I Hypothesis II A new allele at Lp: A 3rd locus, Lp3, is involved: Phenotype symbol Lp, Lp9 Example Lp. Lpo Lp3 A + 3 Type lysogenic + s 8 B + r Immune-2 lysogenic + r 8 Cc + P We2172 mtant + s p D s s Type sensitive 8 8 8 E s r Imemne-2 s r 8 F s Dd We21h7 mutant 8 8 ) BxfF Yields: B, F, BE, © progeny Yields B, F, E, C, A, D Cx " " Results: BxfF No, of Progeny Cx A B C D BE YY A B c D E F Mal* 5 1. i 1 0 1 22 2 1 26 0 1 Mal.” o 58 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 59 0 Part II linkage of Lp3 to Lpy--Gal and Lpo--Mal ? No. of Progeny Parents Mal* Lpj® = Mal” bp)” = Mal” Ipy® Mal” Lp," F Mal” x B Mal™ \ 56 1 58 C Mai* x E Mal” 27 25 59 0 Mal* Lpo® Mal” Ip. = Mal” Lpg® = Mall” Upp” F Mal* x B Mal™ 59 1 0 59 C Mai* x E Mal” 51 2 0 59 Mal* Lp3° Mai* Lp? Mal” Lp3” Mal” Lp3P F Mal* x B Mal” 57 3 59 C Mal* x E Mal” 50 2 50 0 C Gal* x D Gal” Gai* Lp;* Gal* Lp}8 Gal~ Lp* Gal~ Lp® 60 0 0 2 Gal* Lp,§ Gal* LpsP Gal~ Lp,f Gal~ Lp5P 37 23 37 26 The above data are consistent with the hypothesis that an Lp3 locus separable from Lp and Lp modifies the reaction to )-1 and \-2. 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