June 12, 1953 REPORT ON RESEARCH PROJECTS for the FISCAL YE4R 1952-53 I. Nee LEDERBERG, J. Dept. Genetics Proj. No. 326335 Title of nroject: Bacterial genetics ZT. Personnel: H. L. Byeran(part NIH) M. L. Morse (part AEC) Be R, Lively (to 8/31/52) i. Statement of other financial support, if any, Yor this project: Nations. Institutes of Health § # 500 Chemical Corps (to terpinate 9/53) $ 4 500 [for 152-53]; A.E.C. [terminated 3/53] Rockefeller Foundation $ 4 500 [for 152-53] $1 250 in 52-53. IV. Brief stetenent of ssecific progress made during the yeer: Studies were continued on the mechanism of genetic transfer in bacteria. In 3alm- nella, phage rartdeles were shown tto tranaduce smell genetic fragments. This was applied extensively to the synthesis of many Salmonella types. In E. coli, the physiclogical conditions remired fer optinal rates of semial mting were studied. Some prelisinary observations have been made on what may be the cytology of this mating process. Further evidence has been accumlated for the localization of 2 provirus at a specific locus of 2 chromosome in lysogenic F. coli. 4 transduction mechanism has else been found in EF. coli, so thot the chromosomel basis of thie process ean be verified, VY. Publications that have appeared in print from July 1, 1952, to June 30, 1953: Lederberg, J. Cavalli,LeLe, and Lederberg, FM, Sex compa tibiiity in Escherichia coli. Genetics 37: 720, 1952 (Nov.) Lederberg,i.iie, and Lederberg,J., Genetic aspects of lym genicity in Escherichia coli. Genetics 36151, 1953 (dan.) Cavalli,L.l., Lederberg,J., and Lederberg,E.i., An infective factor controlling cont'd overleaf sex compatibility in Bacterium coli. Jour. Gen. Kicrubici. 8:89, 1953 (Feb.) Zinder, N.D. and Lederberg,J., Genetic exchange in Salmonella. Jour. Bact. 64: 679, 1952 (Nov.) Lederberg,d., Cell genetics and hereiitary symbicsis. Physicl. Revs. 32:403, tot Oct. VI. In press: Lederberg,J., Some biological aspects of bacterial genetics. Proc, 2d Nat. Cancer Cong., Cincinnati, 1952, In Prase, see over The wink covy should be returned te the Graduste School Office on or before August 1, 1953. The blue copy is for your Pile. In Presa, cont'd: Stocker ,B.A.D. $e» Zinder, N.D., and Lederberg,J., Transduction of flagellar charac ters in Salmonella. Jour. Gen. Microbiol., In Press. Lederberg,J. and Edwards, P.R., Serotypic Recombination in Salmonella. Jour. Immunology, In Press. Lederberg,J. and Tatum, E.L., Sex in bacteria: genetic studies 1945-1952. A.A.A.S. Symposia, In Preas. Cavalli, L.l., and Lederberg,J., Genstdie aspects of chemotherapy. Symposiun on chemtherapy, IV Int. Gong. Weroblcology, Rome,1953, In Press.