June 16, 1952 REPORT ON RESEARCH PROJECTS lor the FISCAL YEAR 1951-52 I. Name LEDERBERG, J. Dept. GENETICS Proj. No.__*% 518430 Title Bacterial. Immunogenetics II, Personnel: Palmer D. Skaar III. Statement of other financial support, if any: fhe Research Comittee grant was awarded on the understanding that it would be terminated when other supvort was found. This project has been supported by the Rockefeller Foundation fox the iqterval Jamary 11952 to August 3is,1953, (98000). A large number fover 50) of Escherichia coli strains have been found which are mitually fertile, and are serologically diversifiad. Our work to date has consisted primarily of preparing serological reagents that will distinguish the antiganic factors in these strains, and we are now proceeding to cross them to discover how they are inherited. In preliminary experiments, segregation of antigens has been observed. This would place bacterial immiunogensties on the same basis as the mammalian blood groups, and implies that the somitie and flagellar antigens are oontrélled by the same sort of chromosomal genes that regulate the rest of the bacterial phenotyps. Different somtic antigens may be non-alislic. Hybrids have been produced which display a somntic antigen from one parent; a flagellar antigen from the other. V. Publications that have appeared in print during the present fiscal year: Nona VI. Monuscripts accepted for publication but not yet printed: None The pink copy should be returned to the Graduate School Office on or before fugust 1, 1952. The blue convy is for your Tile.