June 16, 1952 REPORT ON RESEAT-CH PROJECTS Yor the FICCAL YEAR 1951-52 I. Name WMDERBERG J. Dept, GENETICS Proj, No. 328308 Title Bacterial Genetics Il. Personnel: Elise Caha (now transferred to another dept.) eeonne Bthelyn Lively (part) Phyllis Fried feraduated, M.A. 1952) Norton Zinder (part) graduated, BhaD. 1952) III. Statement of other financial support, if any: tomic Ehergy Commission $ 1500 National Institutes of Health $ 4320 Auny Chemical Corps ca $ 5000 (prorated for '51-52) IV. Brief statemtnt of specific progress made during the year: Genetic recombination in Salmonella has been found to take place by a new mecha- nism. Virus particles grown on one strain may transfer genetic material (chromosomal fragments) to another. New types of Salmonella have been synthesized by hybridizing S. typhi X A. typhiouriun. In nerichia coli, ganetic factors which control sexual compatibility have been discovered, making it possible to control crosses, and to achieve mich higher frequencies of sexual mating. So far, no cytological correlate of mating has been found, suggesting thet this 4s a simple process uncomplicated by any special fruiting structures as clsimed by cther workers. The chromosomal oschanism has been further clarified, but 4s still quite complex. However, there are probably two, rather than just one chromosome. Lysogenteity (latent virus growth) has been studisd by orcasing methods. A single chromosomal gene controls the growth of the virua. It is reasonably probable that the virus is actually fixed on the chromosome while it is latent. This is further evidence for sn especially close relationship between virus growth and cuclear functiog. A new method (replica plating) has been developed for handling large numbers of bacterial clones, and has been applied to a rigorous proof that adeptive mtations of bacterta are spontansous, and aelacted by the environrent. V. Publications that have appeared in print during the present fiscal year: Lederberg,J., Prevalence of Escherichia coli strains exhibiting genetic recombination. Selence 114: 68, 1951 (July Lederberg, J.» ant 1951 (ouly) ; Replica plating and indirect selection of bacterial mitants. J. Bast. 63:399, 1952 (March) Ledergerg,J., Lederberg,E.M., Zinder..D. and Lively,E.R., Recombination analysis of bacterial heredity. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia Quant. Bicol. i6: 413, 1951 VI. Menuseripts eecepted for publication but not yet printed: Lederberg,J., Cavdli,L.L., ant Lederberg.2.M., Sax compatibility in Fscherichia coli. Genetics, In Press. Zinder, N.D.,and Lederberg,J., Genetic exchange in Salmonella. J. Bact., In Bress Lederberg,J.? Soma biologéoal aspects of bacterial genetics. Proc. 21 Natl. Cancer Cong. In Press Lederberg,£.M.,and Lederberg,J.°Genetic st&dies of lysogenicity in Escherichia colt. Genetics, In Press The pink copy should be returned _to the Graduate School Office on or herore August 1, 1952. The blue copy is for your File. netics 6 6 cats . Physiol. Rev., In Press Lederberg, J.’ ge ?