April 11, 1953 Dr. H. BR. Plough BYE Division Atomic Pnargy Commission Washington 25, 90.C. Dear Dr. Plough: hk you for your very considerate letter of April 9, juet rece ivéd. In fact, wea had decided not to seek renewal of our ANC contract, at least fcr the present, We were diverted from cur original radiobLo~ Logigsal project by the discovery of a transduction system in FB. coli K-12, which acts independently and differently from the sexel recom bination. Goviously, such a finding was so central to our sntire research program that we have had to tend to 1 immediately, and it my ba a good many nmonthe before we are in « position to begin to think about reaiming the ortginal oroject. Aas the traneduction work seeoa to have no apecial pertinence to the statutory anhere of the ANC, we thought it might te inaprropriate to ask for APC support of it. I am under the impression that ABO polley tends to discourage researaly support to any one project over extended intervaks longer then three yealts, and for this reason alae prefex to postpone fn extendton untll we are again working on the more pertinent project. “ THe enclosure will doubtless reach you in due courses anyhow. As indicated, we are not quite ready to publish these findings, owing to their numerous ramifications that have nct yet been cleared up. I would certagMy welcome an opportunity to discuss our findings with you, and would look forward to a vialt. Please lst us know if there is any prospect of it. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Eno: AEC report 3/1/53