UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION WASHINGTON 25, D. C. IN REPLY REFER TO: BMB:HHP Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: I am writing just a note to let you know that up to the present time no request for a renewal of your contract, AT- (11-1)-64 on the "Cytogenetic Effects of Radiations on Bacteria" has been received. According to our records the contract was completed on February 28, 1953 Itmay be, of course, that you do not care to request a renewal for the coming year. However, if you are planning a renewal request, it should be received in duplicate at this office at the earliest possible date. Two copies should also be forwarded to the Chicago Operations Office, I am still hoping to get to Wisconsin one of these days in order to have a chance to talk over your interesting trans- duction work; especially so, since our Amherst work still shows some differences even though they are probably not important. Kind regards, Sincerely yours, . / a tT hoegl Harold H. Plough Assistant Chief, Biology Branch Division of Biology and Medicine