Bot FoR PUBLICATION March 1, 1953 Final Progress Report, March 1, 1952 ~- February 28, 1953 to the Atomie Energy Commission Contracts Eo. AT(11-1)-64 Proj. 10 CYTOGENETIC EFFEOTS QF RADIATIONS OW BACTERTA Department of Genetics, University of Wisconsin Project Leader: Joshua Lederberg, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Genetics This project was oxviginally formulated to study the cytogenetic Consequences of irradiation of haploid and diploid bacteria. During its early stages, we encounte*ud an unexpected phenomenon which has appeared so fundamental to all of the studies in this laboratory that the original project has been diverted, for the time being. It is intended, ultimately, to return to the original problem but we do not at present have sufficient personnel or facilities to carry both. When an occasion suitable for re- sumption presents itself, it is intended to renew this proposal for research support from the AEC, but in the interval other support is being sought. In the previous report it was mentioned that our test organiem, the bacterium Escherichia coli strain K-12 was lysogenic, carrying a symbiotic bacteriophage, "lambda." The genetic relationships of lambda and strain K-12 have heen the subject of other investigations from this laboratory (Lederberg and Lederberg, 1953). It had been discovered by Lwoff that one of the modalities of radiation-killing of various bacteria concerns the activation of eymblotic phages, resulting in the lysis of the host bacterium. In order to substantiate the analysis of similarities and differences in radiation responses of haploid and dipletd bacteria it was essential to study the role of the "Iwoff effect": induction of the a De latent phage. A preliminary study showed that, under certain conlitions, the presence of symbiotic lambda did, in fact, potentiate the sonsitivity of K-12 bacteria to ultravielet light. A by-product of these investigations was the production in the induced lysates of high titers of lambda (over 1049 per mi) such as had not previously been attainable by more familiar nethods. Concurrent studies in this laboratory (Zinder and Lederberg, 1952) have shown that another bacterium, Salmonella typhinuriun, displays a mechanian of genetic transfer quite distinct from the apparently sexual recombination precess in E, coli K-12, In Salmonella, certain lines of bacteriophage are capable of transferring individual genetic determinants from one genetically marked strain to another. Repeated attempts have been made to demonstrate a ecimilar transduction process in E, coli, either ag an alternative oxmplanaticn of, or as an suxiliary to the sexual mechanism, These experiments, involving a variety of cell-free preparations, extracts, and lystaes had been consistently unsuccessful. The availability of high- titered stocks of lambda led, however, to a casual re-exemination of the possibility of a transduction in E, Celi. The first stocks tested included a nomber which gave negative results, but alao one, known to carry Gal- and Lac- (galactose and lactose-negetive) mutations. When plated with Lambda from induced lysates of lysogenic wild type bacteria, the Gal- Lac- stock was poticed to produce numerous papillae on EMB lactose agar. Further study ehowed that the papillae were, in fact Galt Lac- (cf. Lederberg, 1952), and subsequent experiments have been carried out on EMB galactose agar. Testa of several other mutant stocks of strain K-12 have uncovered no character other than galactose fermentation that is subject to transduction by lambda, thus sharply differentiating this system from transduction in Salmonella, which may involve any single trait, and from recombination in K-12 itself which typically involves ~ 3< numerous linked factors, en bloc, Previous work hed also shown that semal recoubination in E, coli K-12 was indifferent to the presence of lembda in either or both of the parents (Lederberg, Cavalli and Lederberg, 1952). Conversely, it has since been shown that the transduction of Galt proceadis veadily between soxtally incompatible stvaius (i.e., two cultures both F-), To sammarizo, the traneduction of the Gal+ factor is detected by the augmentation in the mumber of galactose~poai tive paepillee evolced from various Gal- strains on EMB galactose agar. Unfortunately, most of the available Gal= cultures are capable of reverting spontaneously, so that control platings Luvarilably show « mumber of papillae. The apparent augmentation by lambda was therefore scrutinized with some suspicion that a selective rather than trausductive effect might be operating, and it was some time before the balance of the evidence weighed in favor of the latter. In a typical experiment, control platings might show 50 papillae per plate, while 109 added lambda particles would ovoke 500 papillae. This effect Was Consistently observed in replications of the oxperiment, and disappeared if the lembde was previously boiled. I+ was observed whether the Gal- indicater culture was sensitive or resistant-lysogenic for lambda, bat not when the indicator was immune, i.e., did not adsorb the phage. Finally, lambda secured from Gal- cultures lacked the effect. These observations indicating that lambda could, in fact, transduce the Galt+ factor were supported by a further study of the induced papillae. Whereas the papillae arising by spontansons reversion were invariably stable Galt, most of the papillae on the experimental plates gave rise to cultures which were unstable Galt, having a sectored appearance on EMB galactose, and contimuing to split off Gal- types after repeated single-colony isolations. Ina few instances stable Galt types have also been noted to arise from the unstable cultures, but tha facts here -4. are still not well-established. It is also not clear whether all the transduction Gal+ are unstable. The number of initially stable Gal+ papillee en experimental plates is generally greater than on controls, so that it is likely that some of the transductions are initially stable, while others are unstable. In the absence of further evidence to confirm the numerical differences this point remains unsettled. Further experiments have been designed to study the scope of trans- duction from a genetic viewpoint. Remarkably, there are at least three or four distinct Gal- mutations, at different loci ("Galj," "Gal," ete.), each subject to transduction, while no other marker hae been so far. However, it is quite likely, from the results of crossing experiments, that these Gal factors form a fairly closely linked cluster, perhaps comparable to the “pseudoalleles" now so prominent in the genetics of higher forms. The different Gal- types can be distinguished in two waye: their interaction in transduction experiments, and their re- combination to give Galt in crosses. The two criteria, after certain technical problems were cleared up, have given consistent results. This has enabled a study to be made of the apparent segregation process in- Volved in the unstable Gal+ behavior. For example, Galp- Gal,+ —-x Galgt Gal,- has given unstable galactose-positives which split off predominantly Galy,-, but also some Galo-. (The symbol --x denotes transduction by lambda from the left-hand to the right-hand term). It is concluded from this experiment that the unstable positives have a genotypic formula somewhat similar to: Galot Gal,- eeee eeso Galo- Gal yt -~5- in which the short lever line represents a smsll "chromosome" fragnent traneduced by lambda. An important question remaining to be settled is how such fragments come to be incorporated in the stable genotype of the cell, e.g, in the establishment of stable Galo” "segregants." The same question applies to transduction in Salmonella, bat we do not have the advantages there of the unstable intermediate state, nor of analysis by soxual, recombination. Proof that the trensdvueing element in lysates is the phage itself in afforded by the correlation botween ability to adsorb lanbda, and susceptibility to transduction among various indicator stocks and similar rates of absorption of the twe activities on indicator bacteria, In aidition, there 13 a close correlation between the lysogenization of sensitive and the transduction of Gal to Gal- cells. However, only about 1 phage particle per million capable of lysogenizing also tranus- ducer Gait, Current studies are in progress on a system showing a much higher efficiency. Preliminary studies have shown an anomalous offect of ultra-violet light on the transducing efficiency of lambda. Small doses, which reduce the plaque-forming titre of a lambda preparation by no more than Log potentiate the transducing activity by 10-fold. Higher doses will then ultimately reduce transduction, but uot 30 rapidly as infectivity. No explanation for this behavior 1s offered at present. The experinents summarized in this report are principally the work of Mr. Me L. Moree, in collaboration with E. M. Lederberg and the under signed. -~6- Lederberg, BE. M. 1952 Allelic relationships and reverse mtation in Escherichia coli. Genetics 373469-483. Lederberg, E, 4M. and Lederberg, J. 1953 Genetic studies of lyso- genicity in E, coli. Genstics 38:51=64, Lederberg, J., Cavalli, L. L., and Lederberg, FE, MH. 1952 Sex Compatibility in E, coli. Genetica 37:720-730. Zinger, J. D. and Lederberg, J. 1952 Genetic exchange in Salmonella. J. Bact. 643:679-699. / /