FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY © Public Health Service NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH «¢ Bethesda 14, Md. July 18, 1951 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ARTHRITIS AND METABOLIC DISEASES NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE In reply please NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF DENTAL RESEARCH NATIONAL HEART INSTITUTE ref er to E-72(C3) NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MENTAL HEALTH NATIONAL MICROBIOLOGICAL INSTITUTE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF NEUROLOGICAL DISEASES AND BLINDNESS THE CLINICAL CENTER DIVISION OF RESEARCH GRANTS Dr. Joshua Lederberg Associate Professor of Genetics College of Agriculture University of Wisconsia Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Doctor Lederberg: Thank you very much for the kind reaarks, in your letter of July 12, regarding the administration and the personnel of the grants program. I am sorry that the grant recently awarded you was in an amount less than you requested and I hope that the curtailed funds will not seriously interfere with the successful conduct of your work involv- ing the genetics of bacteria. I should like to assure you that the members of the review. ing panels who passed on your project were keenly interested in encourag- ing investigations in the field of bacterial genetics and, I believe, found your proposal particularly interesting and promising; however, since the latter phase of your research is still in its early stages, it was difficult for our advisory bodies to evaluate the eventual productivity of your project against the many other requests which were necessarily in competition for the limited amount of money available. I do hope that the work will proceed as you anticipate, and that the new data which you will include in your next progress report will be sufficient to obtain for you the funds needed adequately to accomplish your plan of experimentation. From the statements contained in your letter, I am confident you realize that we are constantly confronted with the problem of re-~ fusing many worthwhile scientific proposals for which we have insufficient research grant funds and that our problem is complicated by the uncertainty regarding the amount of yearly congressional appropriations. It is, therefore, impossible for me to make any commitments or even predictions regarding the outcome of requests for future support. I do wish to re- assure you, however, that the policy of our reviewing panels is unchanged -2- and that every consideration will be given to the scientific merits of your proposal should you elect to request contimed support for your research, Please do not hesitate to write me if you have any further questions. Sincerely yours, Leonard Karel, Ph.D. Chief, Extramural Prograas National Microbiological Institute