Contract No. AT(11-1)-64 Project No. 10 PROJsCT NO. 10 BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN AND THE U. S. ATOMIC ENERGY COuUMISSION This Project Agreement is entered into this 13th day of March ; 1951, effective as of Liarch 1, 1951, under Contract No. AT(11~-1)-64 between the parties and is subject to all applicable provisions of such contract, and to more detailed supplewentary provisions set forth below: 1. WATURE AND SCOPE OF ORK - The work under this Project Agreement shall consist of basic unclassified research on the Cytogenetic Erfects of Radiations on Bacteria. Such work will include the following: a. Studies and experiments with the diploic cells of Escharichia coli to determine the genetic and cytological significance of recessive letnal mutations in the bactericidal effects of X- irradiation. b. On the basis of results obtained under e., producing a summary report on the advisability of extended research inte coniplex genetic reorganizations and disturbances in tne division and distribution of the nuclear bodies in bacteria exposed to chemical and physical agents, essecially ionizing radiations, The work shall also include such other investigations in this general field as may be mutually agreed upon. 2. ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSIBILITY - The work will be carried out by the University under the direction of an associate Protessor of Genetics, assisted by one or more graduate assistants. 3. DURATION OF THE WORK - The performance of the work described in section 1. will start on March 1, 1951 and will cortinue for twelve (12) months through February 29, 1952. 4. FINANCING -~ ae For services rendered in carrying on the work described in section 1. during the term of this agreement, the University will be paid by the Government the sum of )1,080. Payments will be made in the following manner: Quarterly payments of S270 each will be made on May 31, 1951, August 31, 1951, November 30, 1951, and February 29, 1952. b. The University agrees that the funds supplied by the Commission in accordance with subsection a. shali not be used to confer a fellowship on any person or to pay tne stipend of any other ap- pointuent by the University for which commensurate services are not rendered under this agreena@mt. -~2- Contract AT(11-1)-64 Project No. 10 ce The Commission may withhold all or any part of the final payment until receipt and approval by the Commission of the reports and patent disclosure and designation required under Contract No. AT(11-1)-64 in connection with this agreement. De 5ยป CLASSTFICATION Of WORK ~ The work under this project shall be con- dueted on an unclassified basis in accordance with the provisions of Article VII of Contract No. AT(11-1)-64, except that the person directing the research work under this project agreement shall not be cleared by the Commission for access to restricted data unless otherwise deemed necessary by the Commission. This project agreerient is executed by the parties intending to be legally bound therehy. THE UNITED STATES OF AsERTICA y 8/ Walter J. Kowalski Walter J. Kowalski, Director Research Contracts Division Chicago Operations Office U. S. Atomic Energy Commission THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WiSCONSIN py 8/ A. W. Peterson HFK As W. Peterson, Vice President of Business and Finance (Title)