December 28, 1950. Dear Max: Following your last letter, I formally wrote up a set of contract proposals, which are being set through channels here. As usually happens, the responsible officials leave town precisely when the papers raach thoir desk, but they should resch you in « week or ten days. Tne University mst be almost a9 complex 29 your Commission: for this rather simple recuest, the papers hive to gc thrcugh four or pos- sibly five successive channels, but 4n fact, the red tape goes rather smoothly. Belatedly following your adviae, I increased the reques! from $600 to $1000, so that I will be able to put on an assistant on the progject atarting next Septenber. I will not insist on this increase, hovever, if there should be any hesitaticn about it. Mot mich new selentifically: Ifve becn too buey in the office. I've decided not to put out a special paper vet on the e/feets of UY, ete., on the diploids. I started to rrite one, but found it necescary to aake 90 many detailed explanckions aBout the behavior of diploids, hat if ccon becume clear that I'd have to polish up the duts on their Snormenl® behavior. I still can't say 7 understand the mechanism of alimination which leads tc Mal hemizygosity, but I've about reached the point where it does not seem worthwhile to pursue it any longer for the time being. I'm hoping that the new studtes on crosses between different coli strains will eventually bring me back to that problem, but with a more cefinite approach. As Stanter wrote, here's hoping we can face the new year without shuddering. Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg