December 27, 1950 Proposals to the Atomic Energy Commission for a Contract in aid of a Research Project on CYTOGENETIC EFFECTS OF RADIATIONS ON BACTFRIA at the Depertment of Genetice, UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIRZ. Project Leader: Joshua Lederberg, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Genetics Scope, status, and motivation of projest: Support is reouested from the Atomic Energy Commission for the pre- liminary exploration of a subject which may throw fundanentel light on the mechaniam of biological action of ionising radistions. The material to be studied is diploid cells of Escherichis Soli. Work in progress has shown that this material cen be used to test the significance of recessive lethal mutations in the bactericidal effects ef chemical mutagens such as nitrogen sustard or physical agents such as ultra-violet light. In diploid cella, lethal autetions can be detected wing to their temporary masking by the unmutated genome; in haploid sells, of coures, lethal mutetions Feanlt in cell death, end ,re thus not amenable to study. Work in progress indicates th=t, contrary to expectation, lethal gutations play an insignificant role in bactartal Killing by nitrogen mustard or ultraviolet light. FBactariaide by these, and a large number of other agents, including hylrogen peroxide, formeldehyde, end X-rays (in a single preliminary experiment) is, however, accompanied by complex Genetic peorganlzations, not completely understood as yet, sut including the production of cells with haploid, rather than diploid constitution. It is also samurent that these changes are accompanies? by 1! aturhancas in the division and distribution of tho anelosr bodies tn the treated pacteria. The present project concerns the =xtensgion of this genetic and eytologizsul vork with speciz] reference to the effects of X-rays (and subsequently, of ether donising ss tiatione). Beeause the vroject is already under way to some extent, with respect to chemical and ultra- vielet 2ffects, 2 modest request is made for the firet year, as the major aim of the project iuring wiis interval is te determine the advisabliity of a concerted attack upon this problem. It is snticipated thet increased working epace for rasesroh vill be available to the investigetor in 1952, if an expeneion of the program in the areaa of interest te the Atomic Energy Comuissiloa appears desirable, both) the Commission end the investicator. In this interval ef explerstion, probebly no new personnel will be requires’, The genetic work will be ccatinved by the investigetor, with the assistance, partionlarly in cytological aspects, of graduate student research assistants already in reeidence or possibly of an additional assist. nt later. Pinancial support will be required primarily for the purchase of roentgen-dosimetric equipment needed for kinetic studies on the comparative rates of sterilization of diploid and haploid cells, and fer additicusl supplied incidental to the project. The University of Wisconsin hae « number of X-rey machines on the campus, although none eof these is primarily suited to biologicel research However, for the present, the rorchase of a new machine for the evrrent project dees not seem to be justified, and it is hoped that the presant facilities will be adequate, A radioactive Co source will be avsilable to a project in ancther research group, and the installation of a detatron 40 anticipated. Basic apparatus and facilities for bacteriological research have already been established. Relevant literature: Lederberg, J. 1947 Gene recombination and linked segregations in Escherichia eoli. Genetics 32: 505-525. 1949 Aberrant heteresygotes in Eecherichia coli. Proc. Hat. Acad. Bei. 35:178~-84. 1951 Genetic experiments on beeteria. In "Fifty Years of Genetics." MacMillan: New York, in press. Delaporte, B. 1949 Cytology of Bacteria. Carnegie Inst. Irbk. 46: 166-170. Bewcombe, B. B. and Scott, 9. W. 1949 Factors responsible for the delayed appearance of radiation~induced mutants in Escherichia coll, Genetics 34:475-492. Scientific Personnel: In this preliminary period, no new scientific personnel are contemplated, and the project will be handled directly by the principal investigator, with the essistance of various graduate etudents already in residence. If necessary, an sdditional graduate assistant may be employed during the latter half of the contract tern, but no specific person ie under consideration, Proposed budget. (For March 1, 1951 to Februery 29, 1952) The University of Wisconein will provide basic working feeilitias for bacteriological research. Because the proposed project interlocks with other work already in progress, glassware, reagents, and bacteriological media will also be provided, as well es the services of the principal investigator. X-ray equipment already on the campus will be used as required, but fees routinely charged in connection with certain such services when provided by other departments will be paid from the contract. fhe Commisaion will be asked to provide for the following: Hquipment and Supplies; 350 Roentgen meter for calibration of X-ray doses 250 Accessories for phetomicrography 100 Service Fees for X-ray equipment 50 Salary, for 1/2 time graduate assistant for 6 months 600 Total “1000 Overhead, at 5%, ——-80 Grand Tctal 1989 fhe proposed term for the preliminary project in Mareh 1, 1951 to February 29, 1952. However, if reseach results or other factors inter- yene which make further action advisable, the investigator may apply for subsidiary support prior to the expiration of this term. The probable term of an extended project would be about four years, unless full-time employees displace our graduate students. Responsibilities of investigater: The principal iavestigater is in charge of allaboratory devoted to microbial genetic research, and housing, at present, three graduate research assistants, ons postdoctoral research associate and a number of undergraduate assistants. His teaching duties, aside from those incidental to the laboratory, are minimal, A number of research vrojects are unier way in the laboratory, dealing primarily with (a) formal and physiological genetics of Escherichia coli; (b) host- parasite relationships in lysogenic bacteria; (c) screening for genetic recombination in Salmonella and other bacteria; (da) cytological studies of haploid and diploid E. celi, and (eo) mechaniam of action of bactericidal agents, The laboratory's program receives part of its support from other federal agencies as follows: For 1950-51! Metionel Institutes of Health $4 320 (Genetics of Salmonella) Chemicel Corps 6,000 (15 mos.) (Lysogenic Becteria) Requests anticipated for 1951-52 Betione) Inatitutes of Health 9,000 (Genetics of Braeterta) eo et eee nee eee oreaeoneenreaeneneane