UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION IN REPLY REFER TO: WASHINGTON 25, D. C. BMB s MRZ 30 November 1950 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Medison, Wisconsin Dear Joshs I am returning your research proposal. I have no suggestions to make except perhaps a little polishing up as you have suggested in your own letter. It is detailed enough as it stands. IJ am some- what appalled at the size of the budget for you will eclipse Sax's record of having the smallest AEC contract. He had one for $1300, the first year. While I don't make it a policy to susgest that people ask for more money, I feel in your case that I can do so, because I know it will be well spent. So for gosh sakes if there are some other things you need, don't hesitate to ask for them. We would not blink at a couple thousand dollars which would still be a smail contract so far as we are concerned. At the same time I do appreciate your attitude in not wanting to deplete the U. S. Treasury, so whatever you decide on this is o.k. by me. As for the proposed budget, I think a little more detail would be appropriate, that is, a reasonable estimate of the cost of some specific instrument and so forth, I haven't yet had a chance to send the manuscripts to Sherman, but will try to get rid of them this weekend. I was very interested in your comment about the new cultures which eross with K Abe. You haven't found one with a higher frequency of crossing yet I trust? Best wishes to you and Esther. Very truly yours, Max R. Zelle Geneticist, Biology Branch Division of Biology and Medicine Enclosure Research Proposal