NEW YORK STATE VETERINARY COLLEGE AT CORNELL UNIVERSITY ITHACA, NEW YORK WILLIAM A. HAGAN DEANE W. MALOTT DEAN . PRESIDENT DEPARTMENT OF PATHOLOGY AND BACTERIOLOGY 16 Mar 53 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of genetics College of agriculture The University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear br. Lederberg, I am afraid I will be of very little heip to you. Like Edwards I have in my stocxs one culture of S. napoli, the same one. While I was in Italy I sent in the neighborhood of 31 cultures of this serological typ2 to the Army Medical School in Washington. These strains were isolated from Army personnel and Italian civilians. They ight still be avaiiable at the Army Medical School. Concerning &. abortus-equi, Miss alice Moran, Ky. Agr. Expt. Sta., Lexington, Kentucky has a number of strains that she uses in making bacterin for the horsemen. I think she would be willing to send you the strains. {The story of the 1,2 phases is the same. I have daly Ky. stock #157. Of course I can take the 1,é,3 pnuses ana make 1,2 phases out of then, but the ones I have are diphasic and I think you want monophusic 1,2 phases. During my stay in Italy I also seni the army Medical School several strains of somatic group B that wera nonmotile. I assumed they were S. typhi-murium. Those, also might be available. Your name is on my reprint senuiny iist anu will not be overlooked. Sincerely, OW Tmo t L. W. Bruner DWB:wvt