November 9, 1950 Dr, G. Seger Project Review Officer Division of Research Grants and Fellowshira National Institutes of Health Betheada 14, Maryland Dear Dr, Seger: Thank you for your letter of November 6, 1950, and for your advice in the interest of our research program, fhe application for research support, "Genetics of Bacteria" waa made at what we would both admit to be an early date, in anticipation of difficulties which are likely to erise if the aprlication is reviewed later, Review in May or June implies that even preliminary approval (or disapproval) cannot de given pefore early July, It is extremely difficult to find auitable personnel for employment in the Fall at this late date, Reo ogniging thet finel arvproval of funds might have to wait for congreasional aypropriation, I hoped that the judgment of the advisory board would be worth seeking at an early date. I do not wish to peraist in this aprlication if 1t involves a conflict with your review policies. If necessary, I will be flad to advance the beginning date of the grant arplication co thet i¢ will cover the period June 1, 1951 ~ May 31, 1952. Prefe erably, I would like to submit the present aprlication for review at the next meeting of the advisory board, if there is any likeli- hood that the board can render a judgment that will be useful in planning our personnel situation, But, thirdly, I will be rleesed to withdraw this arrlisaticn for resubmittal later if, in your judgment, there {9 inevfficient justification for pre-e senting it now, Pending your reply, I am retaining the applieation as re turned. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Astociate Professor of Genetics Jit mS