FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY «¢ Public Health Service NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH © Bethesda 14, Md. EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE INSTITUTE MICROBIOLOGICAL INSTITUTE NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE NATIONAL HEART INSTITUTE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF DENTAL RESEARCH NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MENTAL HEALTH THE CLINICAL CENTER - DIVISION OF RESEARCH GRANTS AND FELLOWSHIPS Novenber O; 1950 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Doctor Lederberg: Reference is made to your application of October 30, 1950, in the amount of $9,936 to support a study entitled "Genetics of Bacteria." It is noted tnat, if approved, you contemplate beginning this study on September 1, 1951. Under these circumstances, your application will not be scheduled for review until the meeting of our advisory panels in May and June of 1951. Since the deadline date for receipt of applications to be reviewed in May and June 1951 is March 1, 1951, I am returning your application herewith for any possible amendments you may wish to make before resubmittal, which should be during the month of February 1951 I believe that returning your application at this time is to your advantage. Under the present international situation there is considerable doubt that plans can be wade at this time for research so far in the future. In addition, with the steady advance of research in the field that you have proposed, it is not too far fetched to visualize that if your application were submitted several months hence you might wish to plan your attack differently and in other respects bring your application up to date. Furthermore, if this application were reviewed at this time it would have to be considered in the light of funds which it is anticipated will be appropriated for the Piscal year beginning July 1, 1951. Since the financial picture may change so radically by that time, the Public Healtn Service would not like to make a definite commitment for support so far in advance. Despite the above circumstances, if you still wish to submit your application at this particular time, please feel free to do so. In this event we will hold it in our file and schedule it for consideration at the proper time. An addi- tional set of application forms is enclosed for your convenience in case you wish to make any changes. Sincerely yours, f / Bos Gg. séger, De.P.H. cc: Mr. Peterson Project Review Officer Enclosures - 2