July 28, 1948. President ©. 3. Fred, Bascom Hall, Dear Dr, Fred, I am returning Dr. lwoff's applicution for a rescarch grant from the N.I.H,. with comments attached. Thank you for giving me the opportunity of seeing it. As the ruting sheet shows, I would give my whole-hearted endorsement to this application, both from the point of view of the bkeject and the investigator. I am personally well aoquainted with Dr. Lwoff froa meeting him at several syn- pesia in 1946, and have been incolose correspondence with his junior colleague, Moned.In fact, he and I have been exchanging information and strains for some time, deuling with the problem of genetic control of F. ool enzymes, on which we are working ulong closely parallel lines. The only question that I can raise is one of policy, not of advisability, and has to do with the Uudget item of $2000 for a micro-calorimeter to be constructed Jocally. This is an exmeedingly apeciulised instrument whose application to the projected research is not made at all clear. However, I would personally endorse this item on the strength of Lwoff's past: performance, and the interest and ime portance of the work he haa outlined. | Yours sincercly, Joshua Lederberg | Asgigtant Professor of Genetica.