ANNUAL REPORT 1947-48 Preject Ho. 742. The nature and action of the gene in bacteria. Lederberg (Mrs, Esther Lederberg, Bational Cancer Institute, Junior Research Fellew, Nerton D. Zinder, Research Assistant, Donald A. Gordon, Research Assistent), State funde, W.A.R.F., Rockefeller Foundation, National Institute of Health. The research undertaken in this field ean de reviewed under the following headings: 1, Genetic Aspects of the life cycle of Escherighia soll. 2. Genetic control of fermentation enzymes in E. goli. 3. Genetic control of gene mutability. (Mrs. Lederberg) 4, Gene recombination in Salmonella, (Mr. Zinder) mPa 1. Genetic aspects of the life cycle of Escherichia coll. The discovery by Tatum and Lederberg (1) of a sexual cycle in strains of the common bactertum Hecherichia gold opens up the field ef bacteria to genetic analysis in a way that wae not formerly possible. In this earlier work, con- dusted at Yale University in 1946-47, genetic recombination was demonstrated by the use of nutritional mutants, obtained with i-ray or ultraviolet light. These mutants have mtritionsal deficiencies which prevent them from growing on synthetic mediua unless their particular growth factors are supplied. It wae found that when different mutants were mixed together and inoculated into synthetic ager thas a very small proportion of colonies did grow, and that these consisted of cells which could grow on the synthetio medium (i.e. prototrophe). By using mutante which differed in several other characters, it could be shown that these characters vere redistributed to the prototrophs in all possible combinations, suggesting that the proper explanation of the occurrence of prototrophs is gene recombination. If one nutritional mutant is represented as A-B+ and the other as A+5-, one would get by recombination A~B® x AtB- --> AtB+ and A-B-. In this case, only the AtBt+ would be recovered, ae it wlone could grow on the synthetic medium which is used to sieve it out from the two parents, whose celle preponderate, However, other markers can segrégate freely into the prototrophs, From a study of the relative proportions of different recombination types, it was concluded that the genes of Escherichia Soli were linked in linear order, as in higher forms, and there was probably but a single linkage group. From thie earlier work, it was concluded that &@) cell fusion occurs only very rerely, about one zygote appearing per million cells; and b) the sygote does not proliferate, mt undergoes reduction division immediately. This is Based on the finding that individual prototrophs were uniform, each colony oonsisting usually of bet a single recombination type which would be different from colony to colony. If the diploid sygote were to mltiply, one would -3j- expect to find several recombination types in a single prototroph colony, each derived from the segregation of a different zygote cell. These facts vere dis- coureging to any hopes of seeing the sygote cytologically, or of determining such questions as dominance for which the diploid fe necessary. We could put in a certain mixture of types, and get them out again in various recombinations, but the intermediate process wae not directly accessible to analysis and had to be inferred. Yor the further development of genetical work on bacteria, it would be very important, if not essential, to clarify this intermediate process. In the course of other work, and quite accidentally, an exception was noted te conclusion bd); that is to say, a heterozsygotio culture was found which could be maintained in the diploid condition, although it has a marked propensity to undergo reduction. ‘The exceptional culture was a prototroph obtained in a cross between tvo parents which differed in nutritional factors (3, M, T, L, By.) and in lactose fermentation (Lac-/Lact). The indicator medium, EBosin-Methylene Blue agar is used to test fermentative characteriatics (also see 5). When this culture originally thought to be Lact was streaked out and inoubuted for two or three days on the EME medium, the colonies were observed to be mosaics of Lac- and Lac* cells. Furthermore, when these segregants were tested, they proved to show all possible recombinations of the nutritional and other factors, including certain recombinations, corresponding to the A-B- above, which could not other- wise be secured. Evidently, this culture was prototrovhic not because it was a recombination of the type A+B+, but because it was a diploid heterozygote Gt . Porther study of thie culture and of ite segregants suggests that its exceptional behavior may de the result of a mtation which occurred spontaneously in one of the parents, for outcrossing segregants to standard stocks results in prototrophs a substantial proportion of which are diploid heterozygotes. Although it was formerly believed that there were no exceptionsto rule wlpe %) in crosses of standard stocks, current studies using better selective means now indicate that pereistent heterozygotes may occur here too, although at a lower rate than among cutcrosses of the above-mentioned exception. In this test, parents are used which carry different, closely linked, recessive Lac- in the "repulsion phase, 1.e. A~ Lac)-Lag,+B+ x A+ Lac,+Laq,- B-. When such a pair is croseed, most of the A+B+ recombinant prototrophe are either Laq~Laq,* or Lac, tLacy—,» Decause of the very close linkage of the two Lac lool. These are all lactose-negative: much less than 1% of the prototrophs ebtained here are lactose-positive, and these can be detected visually by conducting the cross on a synthetic EMB medium. Even when “normal” stocks are used, about half the lactose~posttive prototrophs are not A+B+Lac)tlac,+, tut are heterozygous diploids 4-Laci-Lac)t Bt as shown by their subsequent segregation. These diploids may differ from those previously oBtained in being more stable, but this ie not definitely eatablished, Detailed studies of the segregations from tke exceptional heterozygote showed deviations from random distribution that oan be best accounted for by aseuming that one or both chromosones of thie diplold carry several deficient regions, These deficiencies, which would make inviable a segregaat carrying them alone, may be the inciting factor for the persistence of this heterozygote, and detract somewhat from the usefulness of this type in genetic analysis. Whether the same situation prevails in the "normal" heterosygotes rensias te be determined. | Studies are underway to determine the dominance relationships of a nusber of genes. The normal alleles of the nutritional mtations all seem to be completely dominant, and the functioning, "*", alleles of the several fer- mentation factors studied are nearly completely so. Im addition, sensitivity to bacteriophage Tl fe dominant to resistance, a fact of considerable importance San in interpreting studies on the induction of this mutation by radiations and cheaioale (See 2). We have under way further experinents to determine the dominance of mtations affecting bacterial resistance to antiblotic aad antibacterial agents. 2. Genetic gontre) of fermentation anaynes in E. goll. Investigations on Neurospora have led many vorkere to the conclusion that ‘eingle genes determine the specifiaity of single ensynes." (See 3.) Since bacteria are very favorable material for enxyme research, and we have now the aapacity for genetical work on then, it has seemed desirable to atudy the preblem of gene-ensyme relationships ia Escherichia coli, to deter- mine in the first instance whether the "one-to-one" theory quoted above could be verified, The ensyne selected for study first is the lactase (bdeta~galactosidase) of B. goli. It is relatively ensy to isolate mtants which have lost the capacity to produce this enzyme, by the use of the EMB indicator mediuns referred to earlier. Sy the examination of some aillions of colonies of ultra-violet treated bacteria on this medium, severe] hundred, independently produced, lactose-negative mutants have been isolated. These mutants have been analysed by croseing them with each other to determine whether they are genetically identical. [If two lactose-negative mutants are crossed, carrying the same Lue- mutation, then obviously there will be no lactose-positive recon Dinante, On the other hand, if two mutants carry mutations at different genetic loci, then they can be expected to give occasional lactose-posltive recombinante with a frequency depending upon their linkage relationships. That is, Lac,-lec,+ x Lac, tiac,~ can give Lac,+hac,+. With these tests, the mutants eo far crossed can be placed into seven distinct groups, each earrying a distinct mutant gene which interferes with the production of lactase. Two of these mutant types aleo show enzymatic effects in addition to lactase. One of them, Lac.~ is unable to ferment glucose or maltose; another, Lacg~ is unable to ferment gluconate or maltose. These observations are net in accord with the simple "one-to-one® theory, but imply that the relationships between gene and enzyme are much more complex. In order to suppert this conclusion, the enzyme has deen extracted from the celle and studied in solution with the ald of an artificial substrate, o- aitrophenol begalactoside, which releases a colored substance, o-nitrophencl when it is split by the enzyme lactase, ‘This permits the reaction to be studied conveniently with a spectrophotometer. The ensyme hes been partially purified with aumoniun ealfate precipitation, These preparations are active in the absence of phosphate, pointing to a simple hydrolysis for the enzyme action. An interesting effect of alkali metele has been noted: the enzyme is strongly stimulated by sodium ions in fairly high concentration (M/50), and is inhibited by rubidium. The inhibition by rubidium cen be competitively reversed either with eedium, or with potassium, maggesting that all of the alkali metals compete for s position on the enzyme, certain ¢onbinations of metal-enzyme having a higher efficiency than others. I: is presumed that H+ is also displaced hy hicher salt concentrations, but that while du-enzyce is more active than Reensywe, K-enzyme has tho same activity, it has been observed, further, thet most of the difference can be exprested in terme of the dissociation constant for the enzyme and ite substrate so that these tone may be regarded as facilitating the absorotion of the substrate to the eusyze. Tthylene~ diammonium and other substituted amaonium ions behave in much tho same way as rubidium, These observations are strikingly parallel to the effeots which have deen noted by Snell on the growth of bucteria. The onsyme lactase is strictly adaptive, f.6., 1¢ eannoct be demonstrated in cells which have not been exposed to lactose for at least 2-3 hours. It is volieved that the various mutations affecting lactase production do se via the adaptation mechanism, which is now being studied in detail. While the all or none effect of most of the mutante makes it difficult to analyse their effects, an allele of Lac3~ hes been found which ie responsive to temperature, and may be of great help. This mutant 1s wild type at 30°C., but like Lae;- at 40°. At different intermediate temperatures, different enzymes can be formed. It hae been pomsible to show that the temperature-sensitivity is not « reflection of this property of the enzymes themselves, once formed, Imt on the activity of the adaptation mechaaisus.— 3- Genetic control of gene mutability. Rhoades hes deseribed "dotted" stocks of sorn in which the status of one gene affecte the mtability of another. In the presence of the dt allele, the gene @ is cuite stable and rarely if ever mitates to A (shown ae color in the aleurene). However, with increasing numbers of Dt alleles, ga shows rapidly increasing numbers of such mutations, Although this phenonencn is of the greatest genetice) interest, it is very difficult to study the possible ehemical pathways because ef obvions enutomical linitations. fhe observation thet various Lac- mutants of EB. goli, secured as already deseribed, nuotute at different rates buck to Lact, sugcsested that hers might be excellent material for a parallel type of study. The mutability of « Lac-~ ateck ia readily datermined by inenbating its seolonies on EMB agar for 23 days. At this time, Lact mufantese are seen as papillate, dark ontgrowths in the white or pink colonies. Matants at the Lac, locus only were studied so far. As obtained by f{rradiation of the wild type, some of these mtants are quite stable, whereas others show many papillae in aach colony. Genetic tests on such stocks have shown that the differences are due to different allelic states of the same gene, showing again that mtations which may be indistinguishable in all other respects can be distinguished in this way (i.e. are ise-alleles). The mutations to Lact in the mitable strains have also been studied, and proven to be true reverse mitations, restoring the Lac- gone which was originally impaired by ultra-violet light. Occasionsl Lact mutations in the more stable strains have proven, however, to be due to matations at other loci, such mutations having the effect of bypassing or “suppreseing" the phenotypic manifestations of the original Lac- mitation. Such “suppreseor” mutations have aleo been observed in the other Lac- mitanta mentioned under Heading 2. Attempts were then made to pick up effects of mutations of other lool on the mutability of Lac-, Stable strains were irradiated, and matables looked for, without success se far, Conversely, mutable strains were irradiated, and derived stable atrains have been recovered from them, Also, although the degree of mutability is cuite a constant feature of a particular stock, a very few spontaneously occurring stuble derivatives have been noticed. Some of these derived stables, when tested geneticully, proved to be more stable alleles of the originu] Lan-. At least one such stable, however, when crossed with wild type gave rise in addition to the parental types: Lact and Lac-stable, the recombinetion class Lac-mutable. This shows thst the avparent stability of this derived stock is due to a mutation at another locus. ‘This new mutation also turned out to be associated with s nutritional deficiency, which is at least partially relieved by (autoclaved) cosymase (@tphosphopyridine nucleotide). It is possible that this is not a true case of gene control of mutability, vat that the second mutation interfores with the fermentation cf lactose even when Lac,- reverts to +, This point fe now ander study. A number of additional stable stocks remain to be studied. 4, Genetics of Salmonella. Esgherichia cold, strain K-12, is, s0 far, the only bacterium in which ® sexunl phase has been demonstrated by the genetic methods detailed above. oJ It is naturally of interest to determine whether other bacteria will behave iu the same way. Previous experiments on two other strains of B. golj have given negative results, but rather than pursue further strains of this species, we have been examining various Salmonella strains. Sslmonella is much better understood serologically, and, furthermore, ie an advantageous group with which, eventually, to pursue studies on pathogenicity. Three strains of Salmonella tyohimurium have been examined to date: 8Y-20, S¥~+21 and S¥-23. Biochemical mutants have been isolated in each of these with the help of a new methed using penicillin which we have just developed (4%). Peniolllin hae a permanent bactericidal effect only on grow~ ing celle, If a mixture of wild type and mutant cells ie inoculated into a synthetic mediua to whieh penicillin is added, the wild type cells are killed at a mach higher rete than the sutante, This property can be used to advantage te facilitate the isolation of biochemical mutants from irradiated populations in which they are far outnumbered hy the original, non-mutated wild type cells, Ho evidence of genetic recozbination hae heen found so far in aixtures of mutants fn the following combinations: SY¥-20 x SY-20; SY¥-20 x ST~21; 8Y-21 x SY~21; SY¥-23 x S¥~23; SY-20 x S¥-23, In several experiments, how- ever, prototrophs have appeared in mixtures of mutants derived from SY¥-21 and SY-23, The situation has been complicated by the fact that ST-23 ie lysogenic, {.6., carries withont detriment to itself a bacteriophage which is active on S¥Y-21. Ina addition, S¥-21 is lysogenic, one of its phages {s inactive on §. §yphimariug streins, and is revealed only when S. gallinarum is used as a sensitive indicator; the other can attack 5I- 23. Lysogentoity is itself an imperfectly understood phenomenon, and in the present instance, it has not yet been possible te clarify its re- lationship to the recombination which may be occurring in SY-21 x SY-23. The protetrechs which can be recovered from sugh "croseus" are usually ridden with phage, and it is likely that the very low yield with which they have been recovered may be secounted for by the destruction of many much prote- trophs ty these phages. Yor this reason, ve have tried to determine whether a lysogenic bacteriun ean be “Aisinfected" of its phage. Experiments with the 8I-21 - 9. geliinarug aystem have given rather discouraging results. All of the bacteria in euch cultures seem to carry the phage, as determined hy plating them out and testing individual colonies, and it has not been possible te eliminate the phage with muh chemicals as Phosphine GHE and potassium arsenite which are reported te inhibit phage multiplication. Other agente will have to be tested. This work has been supported by a grant from the Eational Institute of Health. 1. 2. 3. 4, 5. oll. References fatun, B. Lb. and Lederberg, d. Gene recombination in the tacteriua Eegherighia gold. J. Bact. 531673-684. (197) Lederberg, J. Gene recombination and linked segregations in Escherichia Mold, Genetics 321505-525, (1947) Lederberg, ¢. Problems in alerodial genetics. Heredity 22245-198. (1948) See Bonner, D. Genes and Cytoplasm, Genes as determiners of cellular Diechemistry. Selence 108:579. (1948) Lederberg, J. and Zinder, N. Coneentration of blochemioal mutante of Dagteria with penicillin. J. Amer, Ghes. Soc. In Presse, (1948) lederberg, J. Deteetion of feruentative variants with tetrasoliun. J. Bact. $6:695. (1948) December 1948