Cetober 24, 1958 Dr, Robert “orison Rockefeller Foundation LQ Yeast 49 Strect New York 20, .Y, Dear Dr, “orison: May I acknowledge your letter of the 21st, I was rather afraid you might have to reply in those terme, and would be the last person to ouarrel with a sound policy, aspecially in view of the Foundation's generosity to my program here at Wisconsin during the past decede, The 3 few thousand in question would have been helpful in tiding us over an awkvard gap, but if all goes vell with my other applications I imagine we will find seme way to keep going until our finances are straightened out arain in an orderly fashion, Ioan indeed looking forward to a close association with Frofessor Kuplan, who 1a so much more than a ‘radiologist’. One line of work I hore to branch out in at Stanford to a depree that was not feasible here is the cellular basie of antibody formation, in collaboration with ay Australian collearue, Dr, G, Nossal, whom 1 worked with in Melbourne last years he is planning te svend an interval with us at Stanford starting next summer. Our project cuts close to -xeny of Koplan's ideas and asrects of bis coinr studies, Twill be on the Stanford campus myself the week of January 21, leaving open the possibility of returning to Madison for a week or ten days after that, before finally moving, I will be tied up, hovever, for the weekend (24-25) Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederherg ot Dean Alway r,S, You will deubticas receive, in good time, formal notice of the termination of my ‘active direction of the research! supported by the grant in question, The timing happens, in any case, to fall within the six monthe' term allowed by the conditions of the grant to the University,