THE ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION 49 WEST 49th STREET, NEW YORK 20 BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL RESEARCH CABLE ADDRESS: ROBERT S. MORISON, DIRECTOR Rocxrounp, NEW YoRK RICHMOND K. ANDERSON, ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR . JOHN MAIER, ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR Teneo 5-810 LUMBUS HARRY M. MILLER, JR., ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR GBRARD R. POMERAT, ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR October 21, 1953 Dear Dr. Lederserg: In answer to your letter of October 3, I am sorr; %o jave to say that, as a matter of long stand'ng policy, the Foundation prefers not to transfer the uncommitted balances of grants when their holder transfers from one place to another. The usual procedure is to terminate the grant and then review the situation some months after the holder has established himself in his new position. It is realized tnat this policy causes some inconveniences and difficulvies and there have been exceptions to the rule, but for the mos part, the advantages, some of which we discussed when I was in Madison, seem %O overrule the disadvantages. In the present instance, the situation .s a little more complicated because we have begun discussions with tae Stanford people aoout a very large grant for their radiation group and some mention has been made of your possible relation to it. We are planning to go out to tne coast shortly after the new year for further discussions, and I hope some way may be found of meeting your needs. Sincerely yours, Merve Robert S. Morison, M. D. Dr. Josnua Lederverg Professor of Medical Genetics School of Medicine Genetics Building The University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin RSM:clh