Petober 55 (9 958 Dr. R. K. Morison Biology and Medical Research Rackafetier Foundation kg West 49 Street Naw York 20, New York Dear Or. Morison: Further to our correspondence of July and August, 1958. As you know our research program in bacterial genetics here at Wisconsin has been supported by what Is currently a terminal grant in the amount of 14,000 do!lars expiring August 33, 1959. [t am now making more definite pre- parations for meving to Stanford and am hopeful of being able to wind up so as to arrive there on or about February 1, 1959. We have of course ths problem of continulty of financial support during the few months after that time that will be needed te regularize the establishment of new grant suppert from agencies ilke the National Institutes of Health and so forth, especially as certain of our expenses for graduate student assistantship will be greatly increased. In the circumstances | would ask whether you would be receptive to an application fer the constructive transfer of the remaining funds on this grant so that they can be at our disposal at Stanford University. | would estimate that we would have an uncemmited balance on this grant of approximately 6,800 dollars as of February |. The transfer, in principal, has the tacit approval of officials here and explicit approval from Deen Alway at Stanford. If you might Indicate the best procedure to follow I will be happy to forward the proposal through nacessary channels at both Univarsities. # fully reallfsea that | transfer of this kind cannot be made as a matter of course or privilege, but f am sure thet you will also recognize the special nature of our own needs at this critical time. Your help in this matter would therefore be recelved with special appreciation. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Medical Genetics JIL/jp S9/43