July 23, 1953 Or. R. S. Morison aockefeller Foundation 49 West 49 Street New York 20, N.Y. Dear Or. Morison: Judging from past experience | am sure you are if anything better sc- quatnted with the developments at Stanford than I am, but | thought [4 might be appropriate to confirm them by my own hand. | have had very satisfactory dealings with Dean Alway, and the enthusiasm displayed by Henry Kaplan and Arthur Kornberg, among others, Is altogether toc conta- gious. | have accepted what looks like an unique opportunity tc broaden the base of my own research. | have been fretful for a long time thet its blochemical orfentatfon has not been as strong as It should be aad its association with Kornberg and his entire Eiochemistry Department should leave nothing wanting [n that respect. [It took some time wo work this out but with the good graces of Avram Goldstein and Kornberg we managed to eke out ample square footage in the new medical center so that my own laboratory program will immediately adjoin their's. Cther activities of the Genetics Department which is to be set up will be housed in the nearby Anatony~Microblology S&ilding, pending the addition of the next wing. i am on the pofnt of leaving for Europe; by the time | return in mid- September, our detailed plans for the move should be more definite and i will communicate further with you with respect to the disposition of your present grant to us and other matters. At the moment It is most likely that we will aot move to Stanford until next July (along with Kornberg) into the medical center, We may take advantage of the opportunity to spend a couple of months,just before moving,with Cavalli-Sforza tn Pavi: to continue our Joint research projects. Ve had a most exciting and pro- ductive three months during his vistt to Madison this spring. It is especially gratifying to find that Jolm Bowers has no intention of letting my move dampen the progress of the Medical Genetics progran here, and | rather expect that it will come out stronger than ever fol- lowing Its reorganization during the next few months. We are returning from Europe via Stanford, and will be there September 5-10, should you have any correspondence that might best be looked at with me on the spot, Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg