May 11, 1957 Dr. Robert S. Morison Biological and Medical Research Rockefeller Foundation New York 20, VY. Dear Ur. Morison: I will continue to uddress this correspomience to you, knowing that Dr. Anderson may be your deputy for an interval. I an very sorry that I had not commnicated with you sooner, especially as regards aur travel plans. It is easy to see the logic of the gsneral principles underlying your letter of Muy 8. Of course, it can be added that the basic support which the Foundation has given my research program has encouraged omer inves t- sents, Irom other ugencies, aid in that sense done miltiple duty It ds true thet the long-term plans for the devalonasnt of mecical genetics are atill to be consolidated, though this 4s proceeding rapidly. It is also true tint my on longstanding research program in microbial genetios will be continuing, and would be acutely embarradsed by « sudden cessation of support from an important source, In the light of these considerations, I would be very huvpy indeed to have a two-year renewal of my present grant, with the understanding that in thet interval our oversll pattern of support would be reviewed. For reasons of local policy, 2 would prefer that my re- search cuntinue to be Budgeted through the College of agriculturs, ao long as my facilities remin on this campus. In about tro years, we would have noved to « new research wing at the medical school. That tine would seem to be most appropriate for Llooxing at medical genetics as . whols. However, if ths soundation would prefer an integration, at this time, of its support to my own research program, and to the development of medical genstics, through a single grant to the medical school, this could also be arranged. My main immediate concern is sufficient continuity of suppert to allon enough time for well-thought-out proposals to various sources. Dean Bowers is about to return from his own Furcnesn trip, and if he has not already communicated with you, I am sure he will before lung. Cordially yours, 3 Joshua Lederberg : Professor’ of Genetics { »