wii i* af pf bs Fool) December 22, 1954 Br. Warren Weaver Rockefeller Foundation Mew York 2, N.Y. Dear Dr, Weaver: I am happy to enclose a swamary of the work we have done during the past year with the qesistance of a grant from the Rockefeller Foundatioa in support of research on the genetics of bacteria. I have always been grateful to the Foundation for ite enlightened policy which minimizes the red tape, and leatee me the more tins in the laboratory. The enclosed report is an attempt to consolidate similar obligations into a single piece of work; I hope 1t will meet your needs. If not, I will be happy, of course, to anle up any deficiency. We were very happy to be visited this fall by Dr. and Mrs. L. L. Cavalli, from Milan, who travelled with the assistance of the Foundation. I have marked off sections of a sesoni scopy of the report which are relevant to his fellow- ship, in anticipation of your interest. We were greatly stimlated by this vieit, the value of which should be measured better by its facilitation of our continued collaboration, rather than the liaited experimental work that was projected and executed during his actual visit. You may be interested that we also took the opportinity to make definite plans for the coauthorship of a small monograph ("Genetics ani Chemotherapy") dealing principally with the biology of drug resistance. We have already had several firm contract of- fers fr its publication, early in 1956, if we are as diligent as we are opti- mist ยป With beat wishes of the season, maa Lederberg yr / Professor of Gene