Deceaber 31, 1953 br. Warrea Weaver Director for Natural Sciences The Rockefeller Faunda tion 49 West 49 Street — Wew York 20, N.Y. Dear Dr. Weaver: I am happy to submit at this time a final report of our activities that were supported by a research grant from the Foundation during 1952 and 1953. I hope the delay has occasioned no inconvenience. At Mr. Cobb's request I am also enclosing a photograph of a corner of our laboratory for possible use in the Foundation's Annual Report. Figure 1 of ay own final report is available for the sams purpose. As this material has not yet been published owing to my stated reservations as to ite evidentiary validity, I must ask that this figure not be made available for publication elsewhere than in the Foundation's own report, or in any place where the qualifying caption aight be discarded. With best wishes for the new year, Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg